Day 11

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~{You're point of view}~

It's was the annual cooking competition which is televised each year, it's always before Christmas and everyone loves to watch it and see everyone make their own food for the show.

Each year, everyone who joins the competition will be told what to recreate, but you're allowed to make you're own twist to it. The prize is obviously money, like any competition that's televised.

I was lucky enough to be able to join in this year as contestant and not someone who's watching the show. I'm so excited right now, I want to prove myself to everyone and show how good I am with cooking!

So here I am on stage with a pretty good amount of contestants this year, ready to be told what to recreate.

-"Hello and welcome everyone! Here are our new contestants this year, this year we we're able to get the double amount of contestants and here's the reason why! Our marvelous judges, wanted to have a twist to change things up! So they have decided to have everyone pared up by a partner by random and see how they'll cook!" My stomach dropped at the pit of mu stomach once I hear everything the announcer says. I'm going to be paired up with someone? Someone who I do not know? Oh god this'll go really bad.

-"And for the prize money we have decided to also double that amount so the two contestants that are paired up and win the prize will be able to split the money!" Right, the prize money. To be honest I don't really care about the prize money, but at least they took that into consideration.

-"As for the food creation's, you may pick anything you want to make, but I must be a desert and the desert must either be a cake, a pie, or some cookies that are different than you're usual store bought ones!" Well, that's going to be interesting with negotiation with some of the groups.

-"Now for the real fun to begin! The partners you're going to join up with is quite simple, you're all going to grab a piece of paper in this box here, the number on the paper will be who you're partnered up with. Once you obtain your paper wait to find your partner with the same number on the paper! Have fun!" Once the lady announces the rules for the partnership we're going to have to do, she then takes a white box and places it on a table and lets everyone to go and grab their paper.

Once I get my paper I look at the number to see whom I got. I got number "11".

Somehow I'm hearing smooth jazz playing in a cooking competition? I walk towards the sound of the jazzy music is playing. Somehow I'm surprised by a skeleton playing some amazing music in a giant crowd for a cooking competition. I know life is full of surprises, but this is just weird.

-"Well hello there." says the skeleton, they seems to have seen me staring at him. 

-"Uh. Hello?" I reply, still confused by all of this and even considering that I might be dreaming all of this???

-"What's your number?" Number? Is he asking for my number for my den den mushi?

-"My what?" I ask again, maybe I hear wrong?

-"Your number for the competition." OH! I'm dumb.

-"Uh, it's 11. You?"

-"What surprise, I am too!" The skeleton says while showing me his slip of paper. It definitely does have the same number as mine, I guess I'm partnered with a jazzy skeleton in a cooking competition? What the hell is this kind of dream? I try to pinch my arm to see if I truly am dreaming, and in conclusion I am not dreaming. What. 

-"I'm not dreaming???????" 

-"Well no. Did you think you were?"

-"Well yes, I'm talking to a skeleton that's playing jazz and I'm partnered with you."

-"Oh, I can explain why I'm a skeleton, it's quite simple, I ate a devil fruit. The music part is just that I'm a musician and the partner part well, that I cannot explain, those are just the odds of this competition."

-"Okay? So, uh...what's your name then, so I don't just call you jazzy skeleton man."

-"It's Brook!"

-"Brook, huh? Well it's nice to meet you, Brook. My name is (Y/N)." I take out my hand for a hand shake and for that split second I forget that he's a full on skeleton and when his hand grabs mine for the hand shake, well it's a skeleton's hand. I do slightly freak out, but now I can say I shook a skeleton's hand?????

-"Well Brook, since this is a cooking competition, do you have anything in mind that you want to bake?" 

-"Good question, I'm not sure."

-"Favorite food then?"


-"Well that doesn't help much."

-"What do you want to cook, then?" What do I want to cook? Huh, didn't think of that.

-"Uh, have you heard of a desert called 'pets de soeur'?" 

-"Not really actually. What exactly is it?"

-"Well it's a something that my family makes every year around this time of year, it's the dough of a pie, but instead of making pie, you use the batter a bit differently as you roll out the batter in a scare-ish shape and you spread butter on top, then sprinkle brown sugar on top and cinnamon."

-"Sounds quite similar to a cinnamon roll."

-"It does, but it doesn't tastes like one."

-"Well I'm alright to bake them."

-"Thank you!" I say in excitement.

We go to our station and like always we prep before getting ready baking, getting the ingredients and preheating. You know the usual. 

 We start by making the batter of the desert, so we start off by mixing flour, salt and margarine. Once we got our consistency we wanted we then add some water in the batter. Now with the batter made, we start rolling the batter on a mostly floured surface in a rectangular shape, keep in mind the thickness too. 

With the batter in a rectangular-ish shape we then butter it and sprinkle brown sugar on, and by sprinkle I mean we plop sugar and spread it everywhere except the edges! We chose to add in the cinnamon, and we added a light coat. 

Now with the batter is ready to be rolled! So we roll it up, but tightly so it doesn't de-roll while eating or being baked, as that sucks. Once it's a giant roll of buttered batter with tons of sugar inside, we cut it and put the slices on the pan to now be thrown inside the oven and bake for 20 minutes.

With waiting for the desert to bake, Brook was kind enough to start playing some music and oh my god is he good! I ended dancing a bit as I felt right into the beat of the song, enjoying myself. He laughed a bit by my terrible dancing skills, but that doesn't matter. Some people joined in as they too we're waiting for they're pastries to bake. It was overall really fun!

Once our pets de soeurs were done, I took them out and check if they fully baked and let them cool off as no one wants their mouth to burn while eating. Then we resume the music. Heck now the judges decided to join as they probably had nothing else to do! It was a party! Some people went back to their stations as they're pastries were one baking or needed a break. Not everyone danced with us an honestly that's okay, they either were busy or didn't want to dance and just wanted to enjoy some good music.

Once the time was up, we sadly had to stop and people started to give their deserts to the judges to taste and see how they did. We did pretty well, they mostly recognized us as the team with an amazing musician. Brook even tasted the desert we made and enjoyed it!


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