The Accident

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It was early in the morning and there weren't many people on the streets yet, the market was still being set up as the sun started to get visible from the horizon. Making the sky go from blue and purple to orange and yellow pretty quickly, then just a few people were walking outside

Luna and Xever were still sleeping soundly on their shared mattress covered with just a thin blanket and no pillows at all, they jolted awake by Vitor's shouting and the sound of flip flops

"Get up, we got work to do!"

Xever groaned irritated as he sat up while Luna pulled up the blankets over her face and tried to ignore the noise, especially when it was too early. Vitor grabbed Xever's arm and yanked him up and wrapped his arm around his shoulders, too rough for Xever's liking, but just brushed it off

"Hey, I got an idea" Vitor started as it quickly caught Xever's attention, was it something stupid or not?

"Yeah, what is it?" He asked

"How about you go steal some more food and water while I keep a close eye on Luna? Giving you a somewhat "day off" and not having to constantly worry about her" Vitor suggested as Xever glanced over at the big lump under the blanket where Luna was trying to get some more sleep, still feeling unsure of leaving her with Vitor for the day

"I-I don't know about that. It's obvious you never had siblings, so I don't really think you're the nurturing and more neglectful type of person" Xever doubted, reminding him of how unnecessarily hard Vitor was on Luna yesterday

"Hey, I'm not neglectful! I never left your side since you got kicked out and I won't leave Luna's side. Now go use the day to steal enough for perhaps a month and I'll take care of your sister" Vitor offered as he pushed it a little, he took a few breaths earlier to keep himself from snapping at Xever

He thought about it and he thought it would be nice to have someone to keep an eye on his younger sister and also to keep her company, as well as having the day for himself and be his own child for once

"Ok, done" Xever nodded, finally agreeing

"Now you're talking!" Vitor chuckled as he gave Xever a few shoulder pats

"Oh, also! What was that white filth on the back of her neck? Didn't she wash her neck after the birds had pooped?" Vitor asked with a frown, actually admitting he has seen the back of her neck and thought it was disgusting

"No, it's her birthmark!" Xever snapped, feeling a little offended

Xever got his large plastic bag and emptied it while giving some items their own place, so that there would be more room for the food and water that he'll be stealing for the day, he tiptoed towards the lump under the blanket and rubbed the part where Luna's head was hidden to try and remind her he'll be gone for the day

She didn't seem to react at all, so he brushed it off and left after Vitor gave him some more pats on the back and watched him make his way through the streets of the city, he waited until he was fully gone and turned to the mattress where Luna was still sleeping

Vitor made his way towards her and shook her awake, causing Luna to jolt awake once more as she sat up straight away and rubbed her eyes

"Why did you do that? Where's X?" Luna yawned as she noticed Xever wasn't there while stretching herself out

"He's gone for the day" Vitor shrugged as he immediately walked towards the table and grabbed his shoulder bag

That instantly made Luna get up very quickly, getting worried and confused on why Xever would leave without saying anything and leaving her with Vitor

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