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Jinx slowly tilted her head towards the voice and there she saw a tall man in the corner of her eye, before fully turning around. It didn't took long for her to recognize him as her big brother, Xever, the man who caused her so much hurt and hearing him say her old and unfamiliar name didn't made it much, much better for her

Her first instinct would be to grab her gun and aim it at him, but she didn't, she just stood there as she watched Xever's eyes filled with tears and having a mixed expression of worry, relief and sadness

Xever took a couple steps closer, so that Jinx would recognize him way better, she could hear him sniffing and saw him trying to regain his composure

"X?" Jinx replied, unsure of what to think

"Oh, Luna!" Xever sobbed as he sped towards her with open arms and trapped her in a tight embrace, pulling her close to himself as his tears escaped

Jinx didn't move as she tried to reach for her gun, but she couldn't and left her arm hanging. Her eyes were wide and filled with tears, she longed for that hug without realizing it and allowed her tears to fall, she allowed herself to be vulnerable at that moment

She cried as she returned the hug and buried her face into the crook of Xever's neck. After several minutes, they pulled back as Xever cupped Jinx's face and wiped off her tears with his thumb

"I'm so sorry, Luna. I have come back, I did, but I, I saw the pile of steel and rubble and I... I thought you got killed, I thought you were dead!" Xever ranted as his eyes were red and puffy while gently holding Jinx's face and has already seen the scars on her face and her robotic arm, it then explained the tiny and lifeless arm he has seen, making him feel more guilty

"Dead?" Jinx asked confused with a shudder in her voice

"I know, it doesn't matter, it's just... it's just unbelievable, but you're here! Alive and well" Xever sighed in relief as he pulled her in for another embrace

Jinx was hoping that it was her imagination playing with her mind again, but she didn't want to believe it and it felt too real for it to be fake

"Are you real?" Jinx asked as Xever pulled back and looked at her with a tiny smile and for reassurance

"Yes, of course. It's me, X, your brother. I'm here, I'm-I'm right here" Xever said as he kept his hand on Jinx's shoulder, Jinx stayed quiet as her tears kept falling down and sighed sadly

"Things changed when you left, I changed" she cried as she hugged herself, Xever just cupped her cheeks and made her look at him

"I know, Lulu, I know. You did what you had to do to survive... so did I. What matters is that you're alive and that we're together again" Xever shushed her as they now both embraced each other

The Turtles have heard and seen everything from the start and many things were going on inside their heads, was Jinx really Xever's sister? Is her real name Luna? And who was she stabbing and shooting at earlier? There was no one there

Just then, Chris has already arrived as he had tried to track Xever down, because Shredder ordered him to. He stopped just a few feet away from them and couldn't believe what he was seeing, Xever was hugging the person who has vandalized his house and he couldn't help, but thinking that it was his sister he had told him about

Jinx looked up with her red, teary eyes as he then spotted Chris looking at them, she immediately pushed Xever away and grabbed her shotgun, aiming it at Chris

"Who's he?" Jinx asked, almost panicked

Xever looked back and saw Chris standing there, he frowned as he got pissed at Chris for following him and making his sister uncomfortable

The Fallen Child (a TMNT 2012 fanfic) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz