Hallucinations and Rescue

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The light flickered as the mutant fish was sitting on a chair, tied up, unconscious and sitting opposite of Karai. His robotic legs have been deactivated, but his breathing apparatus was still working, but he couldn't breathe properly, because the two tubes were tied tightly together. At least not too tight to make him suffocate

Fishface groaned as his eyes slowly fluttered open and woke up, his head was hurting and pounding loudly. He noticed the ropes that had him tied up and tried to wiggle out of them, but he just struggled and had no luck

He slightly panicked after he realized his legs weren't working and frantically looked around him, it was dark and the flickering of the light made it almost impossible for him to look around him and make out his surroundings

"Luna?" He called out, but there was nothing

That's when he heard a voice speaking up

"Well... here you are, all alone. Besides Ms. Little Bounty Hunter here of course"

Fishface looked around him, but he could only make out a black figure standing behind Karai, green eyes being shown by the flickering of the light and then disappeared the moment it got dark again

He could hear her footsteps as he tried to look for her, but it was just shadows and hearing her voice

"You wanna know a secret? Julio thinks he made Jinx, but that couldn't be further away from the truth. He never made Jinx, no... you did"

He knew she had every right to blame him for the pain he's caused, the trauma and that she has become a psychopath. He looked down and sighed as he then opened his mouth

"I'm so sorry, I never meant to leave you" he apologized sincerely

"You never left, you were always here. Haunting me in my dreams, even along with Vitor sometimes. I carried you with me... on my face"

The scars on her eyebrows. He wished he could hold her close to him and kiss them all away, telling her how sorry he is and how much he loved her. But who knows what had happened to her over the years that had made her who she is now, what caused those other scars

"Sis... believe me when I say this, but I've spent half of my life in that cold, filthy prison cell and they all wanted me to rot there, but I just kept wondering how you would've lived your life if I knew you weren't actually killed back there. I always thought you'd have a great life or just... you would've found your rest and peace. I only thought about you at that moment and nothing else"

That's when the lights went out, it was all dark and it was silent for a while, before he heard Jinx speaking up softly

"Are we... still siblings?" She asked, he could sense unsureness in her voice and replied

"Luna... nothing is ever going to change that"

And that's when the light turned on and Jinx was standing in front of Fishface, holding the lamp in front of him, shining it into his face. He had to shut his eyes tight and adjust to the light

Jinx hung the lamp back to the ceiling as she looked at her two captives, before sitting down on her chair and tapped her robotic finger on her leg

"You just got here in time, X. I was about to give your friend here a little gift" Jinx smiled as she stood up and put on her large rubber coat and her rubber gloves

She then walked over to a box and opened it, taking out the scarf that she has finished knitting and slowly walked up to Karai

"This is not just a normal scarf, I've knitted it along with a special plant, native to Australia and it has a silly name. Gympie Gympie" Jinx chuckled as he wrapped the scarf around Karai's neck

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