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Meanwhile at Don Vizioso's restaurant, things didn't go well with Mellissa there, her training time has been doubled by 2 and a half hours and no breaks. He would always watch from behind a window and yell all sorts of things at her

She wasn't allowed to take moments to breathe and had to get up within a few seconds after getting beaten down, no matter how tired she got

"Get up, now!" Don Vizioso yelled

Mellissa held her scythe tightly as she groaned in pain and got back on her legs, her legs weak and she was covered with bruises. One of the Vulci twins, who she was training with, smirked mockingly at her as he twirled his knives in his hands and charged at her

He started swinging his knives at her as she jumped away just in time and tried to throw a punch, but it wasn't as hard as she intended to and got whacked into the wall and was driven into a corner, getting beaten up by the man and worse than before

The man walked away with a dark grin as Mellissa was in the corner after being beaten black and blue and blood coming from her nose, her eye blackened deeply

"You've got even worse than before"

They all laughed as they'd left Mellissa on the ground while Don Vizioso was chewing on another sausage and glaring at her with disgust as if he was that well-mannered, considering how he never closed his mouth while eating and making everything a crumbly mess

Mellissa whimpered as she used her scythe as support and made her way out of the room, walking to the bathroom to clean the blood off of her face

She sighed softly as she grabbed an ice pack and gently placed it on her bruises

After that, she walked outside and sat on a small chair in the alleyway right next to her father's restaurant to get some fresh air, fiddling with her hair and staring at the small picture of her mother


Mellissa flinched as she looked up and saw Donnie standing on the balcony, gazing down at her and jumped down in front of her

"Oh, it's you" Mellissa sighed in relief

"I-I've noticed that we've never introduced ourselves properly. I-I'm Donatello, just call me Donnie" Donnie stuttered

"I'm Mellissa" Mellissa replied

Donnie saw the bruises on her body and could see the remains of the blood that Mellissa had cleaned off her face and she tried to act as if she hadn't been mercilessly beaten by her own father's men

"Are you... are you being hit?" Donnie asked, already expecting Mellissa to deny it

"N-No, I just bumped into some furniture" Mellissa giggled nervously as Donnie raised an eyebrow at her

That's when she felt her phone vibrating and checked it to see a photo that Jinx had sent her with a text under it. It was a photo of her holding dangerous explosives and was most likely to be in Chinatown

"Come here, this place is gonna go sky high"

She gulped as she read the text and hoped it was just another sick joke of her, Donnie read the text and gasped

"I-I swear, I'm not with her! I wouldn't do something like that, I-I knew she was strange, but-"

"She's not just strange, she's deranged. She's killed thousands of innocent people in her career as a criminal" Donnie replied as Mellissa froze

She never would've thought Jinx would be capable of doing that, she always assumed she was another girl who would be treated like a princess by their bosses or just being spoiled and protected from other mafias

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