I went into my room to get changed, still trying to calm my nerves.

The last thing I wanted was to be nervously sweaty while in bed with Sam.

"May I ask," Sam entered the room, wearing a gray t-shirt with some logo I honestly don't even know what belonged to, and a pair of shorts I'd also handed her a few minutes before. "why the hell do you have an elephant stuffed animal in the corner of your bathroom?"

Well, this is embarrassing, I thought.

"Oh shit, uhm, you see..." I tried to contain laughter which was both because of nervousness and amusement. "My parents sent me some boxes with stuff they thought I wanted to keep, and for some reason they thought I would want a stupid stuffed animal that my ex, who they probably liked more than I did, had given me as a Valentine's day gift" I swallowed, my cheeks once again burning up.

"Seriously?" Sam burst out laughing.

"Stop! And yeah, seriously. Oh my god, this is so embarrassing"

"No, it's funny if anything" she said, sitting on my bed, right next to me.

"If you say so. I'm gonna need to throw it away" I covered my face with the palm of my hands.

"But why...an elephant?" she kept on laughing.

"It's silly... you know, my name's Ellie...elephant, Ellie, you get it?" I shrugged, realizing it sounded even more stupid said aloud.

"Oh my god" she laughed so hard she snorted.

"Stop! Let's pretend nothing of this happened, please"

"It'll be difficult to forget but whatever. I'll pretend I didn't see anything"

"Thank you" I snickered, moving closer to her.

"At least it's in the bathroom and not here. I'd feel threatened by your conservative ex boyfriend if it was just staring at me while in bed"

"I'd be lying if I disagreed. Threatened both by him and my past self"

"I wonder what she'd be thinking right now"


"Your past self"

"Oh. That she had an incredibly high upgrade"

"On herself?"

"No. Well, also. I meant on who she's been kissing"

"I can't believe you're comparing me to...him"

"In a good way! I literally said you were an upgrade" I jokingly furrowed my brows.

"Valid. Let me prove it to you then" she crossed her arms.


Before I could add anything I saw Sam's face getting closer to mine and felt her lips pressed on mine.

She'd always do that. Kiss me while I was trying to say something.

The feeling of her kissing me was starting to grow familiar, so kissing her back just felt like the most natural thing to do, unlike during our first kiss when I was scared shitless of doing something wrong.

As we started making out, her hands gently applied pressure on the side of my thigh, which was my cue to close the space between us and go from sitting next to her to moving on her lap, stranding my legs on its sides and feeling one of her hands on my hip and the other on placed at the back of my neck.

"Told you I wanted to continue what we started earlier" she said.

As I kissed the smirk on her lips she slowly started to lie down on my bed, which resulted in me being basically on top of her, which felt weird. Good, but unusual.

Bitter (wlw) (teacherxstudent)Where stories live. Discover now