Chapter 74

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After Su Mian's ability was upgraded to the fourth-level, she entered the gourd space. The gourd space was full of green elements and was full of vitality.

Especially the dry wild ginseng near the spring, which contained the most wood elements, and looked like a jade ginseng. Even the little flower garden she planted had a touch of green on the flowers and trees.

She didn't know much about this space. But except that she couldn't stay for a long time, there were no other problems.

Carrying a small hoe, turning over the soil and picking ripe fruits, Su Mian took care of her small space leisurely. When she was hungry, she ate some fresh fruits and when she was thirsty, she drank from the spring water. She didn't know that when she entered the space, Luo Hansheng opened his eyes suddenly.

Su Mian's breath disappeared.

The man sensed the whole house, and then frowned. This was the second time that he couldn't feel her breath. Before that, at the polar bear exhibition hall, her breath had disappeared for a long time, but there was no sign of leaving.

Did she have a special shelter? The man thought deeply that there should be a time limit for this shelter space, otherwise it would be too powerful.

Luo Hansheng closed his eyes again and took out the fifth-level ice-based crystal cores. While absorbing the pure ice-based elements in the crystal core, the whole room gradually became an igloo. In Ningcheng, his team was busy searching for material, so naturally the cores of the Elemental Beasts they killed were in Luo Hansheng's pocket.

Three elemental cores, one for Mu Gui and one for Luo Wu. Now the fourth-level elemental cores were rare, so they needed to enter the old forest of the deep mountain as soon as possible. He had a feeling that the Elemental Beasts there were far more powerful than the ice-based Elemental Beasts in Ningcheng.

Two hours later, when Su Mian came out of the gourd space, Luo Hansheng's eyelashes, which were thick like crows' feathers, fluttered gently. He stopped meditating and opened his eyes, the blue light of his left eye was magnificent. He had entered the last stage of the fifth-level. In the later period, when he found the fifth-level fire-based crystal core, he could directly break into the sixth-level.

After Su Mian came out of the gourd space and sorted out the contents in the backpack, she heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?"

As soon as she opened the door, she saw the man leaning against the wall. Wearing black clothes, he looked paler and colder, like a sculpture without emotions.

Su Mian trembled when she felt the oppression of elements.

"Do you need something?"

"I'll show you around."

Going around with Luo Hansheng? Su Mian looked at his cold face and inexplicably wanted to laugh. If she walked with Luo Hansheng to the trading market, she was afraid that no one would dare to approach her within three feet.

However, she could exchange some cores for wood crystal cores. When she was training in the mountains, she killed a lot of Elemental Beasts and only exchanged one-third of the crystal cores. Now that her ability had upgraded to level 4, she could hardly be regarded as an expert. But she was not afraid of money leakage.

"You wait for me."

Su Mian ran back to the room, took the crystal cores out of the space, packed a full backpack, and then came out.

The man stretched out his long arm, carried her backpack over, gave her a slight glance, then said, "In the future, don't enter the space in front of people who have a higher level than you, you will be exposed."

Su Mian's pupils shrank and she stood on the spot.

Luo Hansheng stretched out his hand and rubbed her head. He went closer to her and said in a low voice, "Dual-ability is not a big deal, don't hide it. If you ask me, I will teach you."

His tone was very intimate.

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