Chapter 8

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After the May Day holiday, the country issued a high-temperature warning, coupled with the drought in the north, the sun was scorching the earth, and the temperature further increased.

Several major furnace cities have successively exceeded the historical maximum temperature of 51 degrees, and even Hantan Village, which is warm in winter and cool in summer, is not hot enough, and the temperature has soared to 30 degrees.

Each of the seven households in the village had no air-conditioning, only electric fans, and the fans came out with hot air. They couldn't sleep at night, each carrying a bench and sitting on the water well in Su Mian's courtyard with a fan.

"God thief, it's not hot enough."

"No, now an air conditioner has risen to 5,000 yuan, and there is no stock. Everyone is queuing to buy air conditioners in so many nearby villages."

"Even if I bought an air conditioner, I can't find anyone to install the air conditioner now. The installer gets heat stroke every day." Village head Li Dali shook the tattered fan and patted the mosquitoes on his legs.

Everyone shook their heads.

Su Mian ordered two plates of mosquito coils in the yard, washed a large pot of strawberries in the refrigerator, and moved the electric fan to the yard. He smiled and said, "The grandfather of the village chief is right, not only in our county, Air conditioners are sold out all over the country, and factory orders have been scheduled for next month. Now air conditioner repairs must be booked three days in advance. "

Six aunts panicked the six gods without a master: "Then we can't buy the air conditioner, wouldn't we be killed by heat? Our baby Huwa is only seven years old, and I can't stay at my sister's house all the time."

"I don't leave, there is no place to go." Uncle Liu said frowningly.

Su Mian's eyes are bright: "It is not necessary to install air conditioning. The water pool in Houshan is very cool. Now there is no ice. I built a stone house in Houshan and moved to live. I can pass the summer without air conditioning. The stone house can also prevent The beasts in the mountains are safe. "

"Hey, don't say it, it's true, I can take my sheep too. Waiting, our sheep will be hot to death." Village head Li Dali patted his legs and applauded.

"Xia Mian, how much does it cost to build a stone house?" Grandma Zhao in the village said worriedly. "I raised chicken and eggs with your grandmother last year and saved 3000 yuan. Is that enough?"

Grandma Zhao lives alone in Hantan Village. Her wife went out to work and died. The only son was in a car accident. The daughter-in-law ran away with her granddaughter and all the money in the family. The elderly lived on the government's Dibao every month. Last year, they raised chickens and sold eggs with Su Mian's grandmother. They only saved some money.

"Grandma Zhao, you just need to live with our family's Huwa, no need to build." Aunt Liu said cheerfully.

"That's right, we don't feel relieved if you live alone. When the time comes, everyone will squeeze together." The village chief said naggingly. "You are also true. You don't even want to eat eggs and sell them."

Those who stayed in Hantan Village were all widowed elderly people, women and children. Because they lived in the mountains for a long time, they were isolated from the world. Everyone was honest and honest. They helped each other on weekdays.

"Everyone can live together in a few families and share a living room and kitchen, which not only saves money but is also lively. The construction team is ready-made. You can discuss which houses to live with. I let the construction team build your house again." Su Mianxiao Tao said, "I don't charge you any money. There is a drought. There is no water to drink in the north. In addition, the harvest in the high-temperature field is not good. I estimate that the price of the rice, oil and salt will soon increase. You hoard some food. Just fine. "

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