Chapter 9

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After Mu Ling left Hantan Village with his men, the village regained its former tranquility.

Su Mian knew that the secret of Houshan Hantan could not be concealed, but she had seized the opportunity and had a contract in hand. Before the end of the world, she was the master of Hantan.

As for the end of the world, Su Mian did not panic. The west is the site of the Mu Family. The Mu family awakens are all wood-based abilities. They are good at planting and most love peace. Mu Gui is a gentleman who is gentle, even if he is discovered by Mu Family , She will not lose.

It's just that she doesn't want to meet any abilities in this life. She just wants to quietly lead the villagers through the last days.

After two days of calm and calm waves, after the road from Anping County to Hantan Village was cleared, Li Hongqi led the construction team back into the mountain and continued construction.

Seeing that all the people in Hantan Village had to move to Hantan in Houshan, Li Hongqi immediately moved to avoid the heat. The current temperature in Anping County is 40 degrees, because it is too hot, and the power supply burden is heavy. The circuit in their community is broken three times a month. When the power is turned off, it is simply a stove + steamer. The whole person must be cooked.

Now the county has started a regional power outage to ease the pressure on power supply.

Thinking of the power outage in the future, Li Hongqi had a headache. It was better to close the store door and go to the mountains to escape the heat.

Li Hongqi thought of it and immediately went to Su Mian to discuss it.

"Xiao Mian, see if I can bring your aunt and chubby to the mountain to escape the summer heat. The county really can't stand it anymore, and we have to stop electricity for several hours every day."

"Yes, uncle, I'm planning to mention this to you. It's not the sweltering heat now. After the summer vacation, when the power supply is insufficient, the air conditioner is the same as the air conditioner. It's as cool as the mountain."

"Yes, that's the reason." Li Hongqi said, patting his thigh. "Then I'll go to the village chief to say this."

"Okay, there is one more thing. I have contracted the back of the mountain. I need to cut down the workers. The bamboo forest and trees in the mountain must be cut down. You can see how many people can be found for me. The sooner the better." Su Mian Calculating the time, it is only 35 days from the end of the world. It may be that the forest will spontaneously ignite due to high temperature as soon as it enters June. This is a huge hidden danger.

"All cut?" Li Hongqi said in surprise. "Xiao Mian, what do you do to cut bamboo? These will cost a lot of money."

"The weather is too hot. I'm afraid the forest will catch on fire. After cutting down bamboo and trees, when autumn comes, I planted the entire back mountain with medicinal herbs." Su Mian casually found an excuse and said, "You don't need money. I am worried that my classmate's family is a well-known wealthy businessman in China. Her parents gave her tens of millions of pocket money a year. She wants to start a business with me. I will come back to our village to investigate in a few days. "

Su Mian said that Baixi is naturally. When she returns to Huadu in June, she will find a way for Baixi to come to Hantan Village with her.

Except for the villagers in Hantan Village and the Li Hongqi family, the only person Su Mian wanted to help was Baixi. As for the others, she said that she was selfish or indifferent. She did not want to bother.

In the last days, the strong is the king, and the weak are desperate. She can't control her own destiny, and she controls others everywhere.

"Xiao Mian, can you really spontaneously burn?" Li Hongqi looked at the bamboo forest outside, and hesitated. "If this is really spontaneous combustion, it will be a catastrophe."

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