"Stay? What about Baixi?" Su Mian asked anxiously.

"Stay together."

"Well, I see." Luo Hansheng nodded. "It's a little bit angry."

"There is one more thing. Someone in the Dragon group has reached the fifth level. This person is called Longye. Twenty-seven this year is the current leader of the Dragon group." Luo Wu frowned, "This should be the only one except the boss. The Qin family and Feng family should have received the news for a person who has entered the fifth level. "

The second level 5 ability? Su Mian was taken aback.

"You have your own spies at all major bases?"

Luo Wu glanced at her and said: "Our base also has their spies, otherwise Ning Cheng and his party, we will not be ambushed."

If it were n't for the boss 's ability to gobble up, who might suffer a loss?

"Once this news spreads, there will be a lot of abilities on the dragon team. Boss, shall we release the news that you are a fifth-level ability?"

Luo Hansheng shook his head and said indifferently: "It's okay, let the dragon group attract the eyes of the Qin family and the Feng family. We rest and recuperate, and then go to the deep forest in the back."

"Deep mountain and old forest?" Su Mian and Luo Wuqi cried together.

Luo Hansheng nodded. Ning Cheng and his team searched for materials for nearly half a year and got a fifth-level crystal nucleus. After refining, it just helped him to enter the later stage of the fifth level. There must be more advanced elements in the deep forest. Beast, rest and recuperate, and then secretly increase the ability level is king.

"I'll arrange it immediately." Luo Wu hurried away.

Su Mian saw that he was so seriously injured yesterday that he was unable to stand, and today he is going to propose to enter such a dangerous old forest in the mountains. He immediately frowned and hesitated.

"Worry me?" Luo Hansheng poured a cup of tea for her, leaned slightly, and spoke slightly dumbly.

Su Mian was staring at his scalp with scorching eyes, and took a sip of tea. "I was worried about Baixi. She and Feng Ji at the Xiling base did not know whether it would be dangerous."

"In the last days, there is no place that is absolutely safe. Life and death are controlled by the sky, and a little bit can't help people." The man's face was a little somber. When could she worry about him, eh?

Luo Hansheng stood up blankly, threw a pile of wood-based crystal nuclei from the storage space to her, and said coldly: "This is a dividend for your Ningcheng mission. These seven days, you are not allowed to leave the inner city. On call. "

Su Mian saw him leave under the sleeves, left a pile of green crystal nuclei, dumbfounded, how to flip his face?

Even if you turn your face, give her so many wood crystal nuclei?

Su Mian's rough calculations were all three-level wood crystal nuclei, each of which was crystal clear green, and I didn't know how long it had been collected.

After collecting all the wood crystal nuclei into the gourd space, Su Mian returned to his room, sat cross-legged, and began to absorb the crystal nuclei. Last time, just outside the deep forest and old forest, they obtained a fourth-grade wood crystal nucleus. This time to go deep into the mountain forest, she must quickly increase her ability level.

After the last absorption of the fourth-level crystal nucleus, Su Mian felt the thin wall between the low-level ability and the intermediate-level ability. I did n't know how long it took me to meditate and how many nucleus were absorbed. "Hui", the power of the wood elements soared, the whole house glowed with fresh green light, Su Mian felt a kind of baby's eyes open.

She opened her eyes and saw the world clearly for the first time. This world, which is composed of countless elements of heaven and earth, is full of vitality everywhere, tyrannical, gentle, and lumpy, constantly flowing.

She felt the power of the element between heaven and earth, which turned out to be the power of the intermediate power.

Su Mian looked around the base with curiosity, and then found seven or eight light groups that were as powerful as his own elements. He couldn't help but secretly surprised that there are so many fourth-level abilities at Anping base?

But most of them are in the early stage of the fourth grade.

Su Mian looked at his room downstairs, his eyes stung a moment, Luo Hansheng's room exuded the power of elements as bright as the small sun, ice and fire, blended together, half blue and red, powerful, Heart-wrenching.

This is a fifth-level ability!

"Want to see, come to my room to look upright." The man's voice was deep and sexy, penetrating the floor.

Su Mian was so scared that she quickly withdrew her senses and moved her arms and legs in excitement. She finally moved up to level 4, and she has been a middle-level ability since then. The body is full of power, and the sense of elemental power is more sensitive.

Su Mian looked at his palm happily, and then stayed a while, the clover grew into a vine, her vine is different from Mu Gui, Mu Gui's green vine is covered with thorns and thorns, her vine is delicate and weak, above It also has a blue flower bone.

How do you kill the elemental beast after this?

Su Mian turned into a vine, and I saw that the vine was as tough as silk, sharpened with iron as mud, and the flowers and bones were covered with thick leaves.

Her natal plant is weird.

After I Dumped the Villainحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن