In the last three years of the last days, Bai Xi spent all her hard work to see her twice.

Su Mian thought of the little warmth in the last days, grabbed her, and ran outside the dormitory.

"Su Mian, you are crazy, there is a typhoon outside." Baixi's face was green with anger, and she would not return to the dormitory unless she could catch up with the typhoon and had no time to go home.

Su Mian dragged Baixi downstairs without saying a word, rushed out of the dormitory building, there was thunder and thunder outside, dark clouds roared and pressed the roof, and the torrential rain fell down.

"Run, it's raining heavily."

"This rain is so cold, it's so cold."

"Hey, the rain seems to have color, it's golden."

"You're dazzled, go back to the dormitory."

Soon, there was no more than a few people left in the boulevard in front of the dormitory building.

Su Mian raised her face, endured the bitter ice, watching the golden rain falling all over the sky, restraining her inner excitement. Golden rain! It turned out to be true!

Later generations defined the typhoon on the day of the vernal equinox as the beginning of the ruthless elimination of humanity in the last days. The golden rain before the typhoon rain will stimulate the human body's abilities and have a certain resistance to the coming end.

Like most people, Su Mian stayed in the house in the previous life, and did not get this golden rain, so he missed the power stimulation and became the bottom-most vulnerable group after the end of the world.

"How can there be color in this rain?" Bai Xi was shocked to see the golden rain falling on Su Mian's face.

The roaring dark clouds were still, and a cold moon showed a hazy figure out of the clouds. It looked faintly like gold. The golden rain image is formed by the condensing of countless moonflowers and spills to every corner of the earth.

Su Mian looked up and restrained the stormy waves.

At the same time, in various areas of China, countless people looked up at the cold moon and the golden rain looming overhead, looking at this strange sky.

The golden rain soon stopped.

"Go back to take a hot bath and get a good night's sleep." Su Mian said slightly hoarsely. The little face of the girl's slap was pale as snow, and the dark pupil radiated a cold light.

Seeing this, Baixi shuddered a moment, but he didn't dare to fire. Su Mian seems to have changed, is this still recognized as the best temper, Su Mian with the title of little sheep? Strange, weird.

Back at the dormitory, Su Mian didn't take care of Baixi anymore. I don't know if it was the sequela of the golden rain. The consciousness was faint, and it seemed to be feverish.

She took her pajamas to the bathroom, and when she undressed, a blushing jade pendant fell off her body.

The jade pendant looked familiar, but the high fever and physical discomfort made Su Mian unable to think. He picked up the jade pendant indiscriminately and took a hot bath before going to sleep.

At night, there are nightmares again and again. For a moment, she and her classmates are crowded into the shelter. For a while, she is imprisoned in the base. The man leans over, looks like a bird of prey, looks like a knife. , The picture of dying in the wilderness.

Su Mian was sweating cold, cold and hot, just when she thought she was going to die in a dream, she was awakened.

"Su Mian, you have slept all day and night, are you okay?"

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