Yandere says: I was made just for You (Frankenstein Omi Fushimi)

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It has been almost two whole years since Omi's creation and things had slowly gone downhill during that time.

It started out wanting more time with his creator, which they gladly give, then it was memories from before he woke up. Memories of the crash started to surface as well as what he felt before that time. He knows his creator wasn't just some random Scientist, just in fact was a dear friend of his.

A friend that had been acting strange right before the crash. They had gotten into a fight and they had run off somewhere he was trying to find them when the crash happened. It was when they returned home that they knew there was a change. Omi came up to them saying that he was only for them and they him.

They had only tried to have their friend back not restart a nightmare that they hadn't known started before any of this. 

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