Monster ABC: Android Langa Hasegawa (Snow)

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Sk8 the infinity

Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?

He is very affectionate with his darling even if he can't really feel them.

Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?

He will defend his darling with everything he is, so things are Bound to get messy.

Claws: How would they treat their darling?

He treats them as if they are the most fragile thing on earth.

Defend: how do they keep their darling safe? (Either from other creatures or humans.)

He does hack their Devices to keep an eye on thing and he is extremely strong.

Eager: How impatient are they to get their hands on their darling?

Considering he was most likely brought into the home the minute he is turned on they are already in his hands.

Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?

It does hurt him seeing them fighting but he knows that one day they will understand so for now he just tries to keep them calm.

Game: How much do they play around with their darling? (Tricking or teasing for their own amusement.)

He may hide what his true plans are but he doesn't cruel

Home: what types of places you'll find them living in? (So, you can stay away.)

In his darling home or even in the same lab he was made in.

Ideas: what did they first think of their darling? (Love at first sight or something more sinister.)

It was definitely love at first sight so his obsession started from that first look.

Jealousy: How jealous are they when it comes to their darling?

He does get jealous easily so as a sort of warming he will mess up whatever device they have on them. (Making it shock them or frying the items.)

Knowledgeable: How much would they try to learn about their darling?

It's easy for him to learn everything he needs to know about his darling.

Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?

He tries to show how good of a partner he is by doing tasks either by himself or with his darling.

Marks: how do they show that their darlings are all theirs?

With the way he acts, there is no mistake that his darling is all his.

Naughty: How would they punish their darling?

Besides getting rid of/ taking control of their electronics and keeping them in the house he doesn't do much else.

Oblivious: how unaware would their darling be of their presence?

Until the very last minute they don't know what he's really like.

Patience: How patient are they with their darling?

To him they have all the time in the world so there's no rush.

Quarters: where do they keep their darling so no prying eyes can find them?

In their very own home.

Regret: Would they feel guilty? Would they let go?

He doesn't feel guilty about anything nor will he let go of his darling.

Stalker: How intense would their stalking get?

Will as long as there are electronics, he can watch them.

Tragic: how would they handle if something tragic were to happen? (Darling being taken away, dying.)

He would try and find a way to get them back. (Possible by trying to turn them into an Android.)

Ugly heart: could their darling ever handle their 'ugly side'?

Not at all because at that point he really shows off what he can do and it's not going to be pretty.

Vail: how would they act in order to get their darlings' trust?

He is a helper so he does what he is 'supposed to do' with a few add-ins.

Wrecked: how would they feel seeing their darling become a wreck? (Crying, screaming, desperate to get away, fighting them.)

He knows ways to calm a person down and he will try all of them until something works.

Xoanon: How far would they go to win their darling over? Do they even need to?

He is already on their good side so it won't be hard for him to win them over as long as they don't find out what he is really doing.

Youthfulness: how would they feel out living their darling? (Could they stop them from aging or just cherish the time they have together.)

He is trying to find a way that they can be together forever. He hates thinking about losing his darling.

Zest: what is it that they like most about their darling?

Everything, he can't really find just one thing that he likes more. 

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