Where the Moon Doesn't Shine

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Jack stood on the ice, staring at the moon. He clutched his container of teeth--of memories--in one hand, his staff held loosely in the other. His breath was visible in the chilly air.

Five years had passed since he'd become a guardian, and they'd been the best he'd had in three centuries. Jamie and his friends were fifteen now, and they could still see him. In fact, they were more fun to be around now that there was less of an age gap.

But something was missing. Despite Jamie's best efforts, Jack was still invisible to most.

"What now?" Jack asked quietly, now leaning on his staff. "I'm a guardian now, but against what? Pitch is trapped in his own prison, Sandy is back, the children believe..." He paused.

"They believe... but not in me." Jack lowered his gaze. "I'm still invisible to everyone except Jamie and his friends. How is becoming a guardian the answer?" His voice was still soft. Instead of sounding angry, he sounded lost.

The moon shone down, never breaking its silent vigil, and Jack turned away.

"Loving these one-sided conversations," he muttered sarcastically as he stalked off the frozen pond.

"Have you tried leaving?"

Jack turned at the familiar voice, his eyes widening in surprise as Tooth stepped out from the tree line.

"Tooth! What are you doing here?"

"I came to see how you were doing. I figured it would be good to check up on you every once in a while since you have those," Tooth said lightly, pointing at Jack's container of teeth.

"What--what do you mean, leaving?" Jack asked, circling back to what she'd said.

"Leaving. Searching." Tooth smiled encouragingly. "That's what I did. I got tired of sitting around and waiting for the moon to tell me what to do. I left, and I found myself."

Jack stepped closer. "Where did you go?"

"Where the moon couldn't see me," she said quietly, "where I could really be alone for a time. It works, Jack. If you really want this, then go." She smiled gently.

Jack looked up at the moon, then his feet hesitantly left the ground.

"Okay," he said slowly.

"Don't worry, Jack," Tooth scolded teasingly, her wings fluttering as she laughed, "if you just dump a bunch of snow on everyone before you go, you won't be missed before you get back." Jack chuckled and nodded, and after a short moment of hesitation, let the wind carry him up and away.


Pitch watched from the shadows of the trees as Jack Frost flew off into the night. Once Pitch was sure Jack was gone, he stepped carefully onto the ice and started to laugh.

The Tooth Fairy turned towards him, but she showed no sign of fear or surprise at his appearance. Suddenly, her feathers began to shimmer and warp, and in a blink, she had turned into a young girl with short black hair. Her pale yellow eyes met Pitch's as he strode towards her, clapping slowly.

"Well done, Mirage," Pitch said, "well done. Now the real work can begin."

"He doesn't seem like much of a threat." Mirage said, unimpressed. Pitch snarled at her.

"You've never fought him before. Don't underestimate him--what he clearly lacks in brains he makes up for in power."

Mirage rolled her eyes and huffed, her breath fogging in the cold winter air. "So... What now?"

Pitch got a wicked glimmer in his eye as he smiled again. "Follow Frost and keep him busy until I come for you. I'm going to start here."

"What do you mean, 'keep him busy'? Just, like, optical illusions busy, or fight and incapacitate him busy?"

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