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Now it was the time, everyone, sorry sorry most of the people have been waiting for.


Everyone was getting ready in their rooms. Bts , after getting ready went to their father's room. They all reached there and saw their father sitting in front of the mirror speaking to himself.

 They all reached there and saw their father sitting in front of the mirror speaking to himself

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Joon ki:man u look beautiful, don't be nervous. I wish I could marry myself. Wait wait.. Today I m getting married to my life but anyways I really am world wide handsome

 Today I m getting married to my life but anyways I really am world wide handsome

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They all went near him and junkook burst out laughing. Joon ki got startled and looked back to see his sons. He smiled at them but then his face turned red realising taht they saw him blabbing things to himself seeing junkook and V laughing so hard.

V(still laughing) :omg ahaha who-who will believe hahaha that this man right here was-was once the bangtan leader.

He said while laughing. Just then someone knocked on the door . It was a Guard .

Guard:sir the prest is calling you.

Joon ki:ok I m coming.

The guard nodded and left. Bts and Joon ki left soon after. They all went down and saw many paparazzi , businessmen and women. All of them were enjoying.


Hye koo was in her room getting ready. She was sad that her daughter was not there with her.
Sky refused to be her bride's maid of honor. Do young is the one walking her on the asile.

"Knock knock"

Hye koo:come in

The door opened and Do young entered.

                   (Do young)

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                   (Do young)

                      (Hye koo)

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                      (Hye koo)

Do young:come let's go

Hye koo:ok let's go

Saying this Hye koo stood up and went near Do young. She interwined their arm , and then both of them went out.

Reaching the hall they saw many business men and women, paparazzi taking their photos.

They walked towards the stage and Do young gave Hye koo's hand to Joon ki. Then do young went to his reserved seat and sat there. Beside him sat Sky and Dosuk and then bts. Every one had a cold face.


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Father:you may now kiss the bride.

Everyone clapped as Joon ki kissed Hye koo.

Right now the Kim family was bidding bye to everyone.

After bidding bye all of them drove to Kim mansion.

Everyone was sleepy to they went to their room and slept

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