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Name=Choi Dahee

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Name=Choi Dahee

Mom-Choi Jun sul

Dad-Choi Ji ho

Siblings- older brothers-TXT


Best friend of Dosuk and Sky


Author's pov

At the Kim mansion

Everyone has different reaction like jin and Namjoon are understanding the situation, suga and J hope is feeling sad and Sompethy for Sky and Do young, Vmin are feeling sorry for Hye koo as well as Sky and Do young and about junkook, he is somehow anger on Hye koo because he knows how it feels to be left by your mother but also sad for Do young and sky

Jin:Don't worry mom, we understand you.

Namjoon:yes mom we will make Sky and Do young accept you

J hope:yes, we will try our best

Hye koo was happy to listen this. It gave her some hope


Rn Sky was sitting on a sofa with her brothers and parents in front of her

After sometime when Sky told everything. Dosuk was raging and ready to go there and kill her

Hana and Jungho had mixed feelings and Do young was cold as always

Hana:so what do you want to do

Do young:we are going to stay

Sky:no.i m not

Do young:yes you are

Sky just stood up and went to her room. She entered the room and closed it with a thud

(Still in the living room )
Dosuk:what are you even trying to do?

Do young:Destroy her(Hye koo)

Dosuk and their parents widened their eyes as Do young smirked evily

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Dosuk and their parents widened their eyes as Do young smirked evily. He was a demon, in human form. He wanted revenge for the pain they went through

Do young:(points at Dosuk) and you are going to make her(Sky) say yes

He said to Dosuk as sky will only talk to him rn and would rather die then to meet Do young

Dosuk also smirks and made his way to Sky's room
While their parents shook their heads in disbelief but returns the smirk. They were also mafia King and Queen once up on a time after all

*knock knock*

Dosuk knocks on Sky's door. After a few more time she opened the door. He entered the room and sat on the bed .she wasn't even shocked.This house has 0 privacy and personal space.

Sky:what do you want

Dosuk:you know why hyung said yes

Sky:I don't care and I.m.not.going.there

Dousk:so naive of you sky

Sky:what do you mean

Dosuk:Didn't you always wanted to destroy her

Sky:I.... Did

Dosuk:then done. You have a golden opportunity to easily destroy her

Sky thought about it for a second the smirked evily

Sky thought about it for a second the smirked evily

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Sky:I m going to destroy you in the worst way.

Dosuk:Good so now pack your bags tomorrow you and hyung are going.

Sky:hmm now get out, shu, shu

He went out and sky started to pack

In the living room
Dosuk came down stairs with evil smirk.


Do now call her and tell her we are coming tomorrow


Then he calls her

At the Kim mansion

Everyone was talking about "how to make Sky and Do young live with them"
When suddenly Hye koo got a call,she checked the phone and a small smile crept on her face she picked up the phone and put it on speaker

Hye koo:hello

Jungho:hi,i wanted to tell you Sky and Do young are shifting to your house tomorrow for 1 month and if they will like it there they will stay for a longer time

Hye koo:really!!!!


Hye koo: okay b-

Before she could say anything jungho cut the phone

Hye koo :did you hear him!!!!

Jimin:yes mom!!!!,maybe they are forgiving you

Joon ki:yes honey

They all were really happy. Then they started to prepare for sky's and Do young's arrival


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