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Everyone arrive at the destination and start their plan of spying on yoongi...

"" Hobi hyung you can do it right "" jimin asked and hobi nodded

" Yes jiminie"" hobi said with a smile

"" Ok after end of the shoot we will discuss everything at jimin and hobi's room "" namjoon said and everyone nodded and go to the shoot......

After sometimes

Everyone should was done now yoongi's shoot was going on everyone was looking yoongi he was looking too much hot and bold at the same time his posture was perfect he was looking really good ........

Everyone should was done now yoongi's shoot was going on everyone was looking yoongi he was looking too much hot and bold at the same time his posture  was perfect he was looking really good

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"" CUT """ the director said and everyone come back to the reality and start packing their stuff

At the dorm

Everyone go to change their clothes and take bath..... Yoongi also go to his room take bath and directly sleep because he was too tired.....

Jin go to his room and check if he was sleeping or not ...after see that yoongi sleeping he is slowly closed the door and go to the hobi and jimin's room
Everyone was there and they start talking about the clues hobi find out.......

"" So guys I noticed that eun-woo was take care of yoongi hyung too much like if yoongi hyung was a baby and bang pd also call yoongi hyung many times ....""" Hobi said looking at the members...

" I think yoongi hyung is sick "" jimin said

"" I think that right he always hide if he is sick or tried "" junkook said

"" He hide it because he doesn't want to make us worried "" taehyung said.....

"" Yeah tae you are right he always do that "" jin said .....

"" Let's ask him in morning "" namjoon said and everyone nodded and left to their room for a sleep.....

In the morning...

little yoonie || yoongi x BTS||Where stories live. Discover now