Chapter Twenty-Two: Hunger

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Eva moves her head last minute and her chin rests on his shoulder. Aleksi's face falls into the nape of her neck and he holds his breath. He feels the tender artery pulsing against his lips and he's trying hard not to take a bite.

She drunkenly eases herself against him, feeling his stern body. Aleksi is frantically still, afraid that he'll do something he's been trying his hardest to avoid. It's his fault for setting himself up but it's something he wanted to do...and all the other things he wants to finish.

"Sorry," Eva mutters against his neck. He groans at how warm she is and how fast her heart is beating. "I don't feel good." She adds and he runs his tongue along his fangs.

Damn you, Evangelia, he thought.

She sighs and rests the side of her head against his shoulder. His grip around her arms tighten and he's afraid he might break her. He wants a taste of her blood. A little nick of her skin to let something flow into his mouth. Even if it stains his tongue.

Aleksi stops when he finds himself on the verge of tearing her paper thin flesh. He is afraid if he tastes it and go rabid. There is no way he has self control around her if looking at her brings sexual desires to him. Or frustrations.

Especially in a vulnerable state Eva is in. She is almost blacked out in his arms—little sweet murmurs being sang into his ear. He can't control himself right now and the voice of Nikolay in his head rings.

Someone cuts the corner and it's Sofia. Her lipstick is faded and her eyes are wide. Aleksi pulls Eva off him but holds her up like a rag doll. Still conscious, Eva smiles and flutters her eyes to Sofia.

"Sofia, let's dance," Sofia can't help but laugh when she notices that Eva is intact and not hurt. Aleksi let goes of her and hurries past them, Eva's scent almost exploding every feeling he has that he still considers human.

Sofia grabs a hold of her and doesn't question Aleksi. The line is still long but has moved along from the time that passed. People waiting against the wall shout and curse at him when he rushes past them and into the bathroom.

When he enters, there's a man in there, separate from the toilet room. He stops washing his hands when Aleksi bursts in and locks the door.

"Kakvo po dyavolite?" The man says and without a word, Aleksi grabs the collar of his shirt and shoves him forward. They go flying into the toilet room and the man falls onto the toilet seat.

This isn't a place Aleksi prefers when it comes to satisfying his needs but it is urgent and he is desperate. If he didn't, he'd take Eva home and do everything his body was longing for and more.

Before the man can spit a word, Aleksi's teeth sink into his throat. Hot, bitter blood coated with narcotics and alcohol hits his mouth. Aleksi's body towers the man as he drinks. His hand is smothering the man's mouth from yelling a word. His body falls limp when he keeps drinking.

His blood is dull but it still satisfies his hunger. Anything to keep away from Eva. The man's skin is coated with sweat from dancing. Aleksi pries his teeth out clean so not much is dripping from the wound.

He runs his wet tongue over his lips and let's the man's limp body lean on the toilet. He sees that he is gaining conscious so Aleksi leans down and holds his head up.

"Pogledni me." Aleksi demands firmly. The man flutters his eyes until they lock onto Aleksi's. "You are going to forget any of this happened. You tripped and fell. You don't remember where you got the wound on your neck." Aleksi pops the collar of his jacket and the bite mark is not visible to the eye.

The man nods with dead eyes. Aleksi stands up and opens the door of the toilet room. A shadow casts over him and locks eyes with a familiar pair. Nikolay glances over his shoulder before grabbing him by the arm and tugging him out.

Everybody still waiting to use the bathroom are angry and curse Aleksi for holding up the line. Naïve on what just took place in the toilet room. The man nonchalantly comes out as well, unaware that he feels light and dizzy, not from the drugs but from the blood loss.


What the fuck? - Kakvo po dyavolite

Look at me - Pogledni me

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