Chapter Eighteen: If Only Time Stood Still

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Evangelia blows the steam away from her café. She thinks about Sofia's invitation and grins.

"I don't know, Sofia. Clubbing? I don't think now is the best time."

Sofia scoffs, "Is it because of Will?"

"Yes, actually." She pauses before adding, "He would like that idea of only he comes."

Placing the cup down, Sofia shakes her head. They're at a bakery eating sweets and drinking coffee. Sofia insisted on taking her out.

"No, I'm not allowing him to come, Eva. This is a girls night." Eva sighs and gnaws at her lip.

"I didn't even pack anything close to club attire."

"No worries, we can stop at my house before I drop you off later. I'm sure my clothes will fit you." Eva rethinks about it and knows that it'll be a bad idea leaving Will alone at her Baba's house. What could go wrong with just the two of them at the club?

"Okay, I'll go." Sofia squeals with excitement and Eva smiles. Slowly, it fades when she thinks about Aleksi that night.

"Sofia, I have a question." She eyes her for a moment before bringing the mug to her lips.


"Why does Aleksi live with Nikolai? He looks absolutely miserable." Sofia looks down at her empty plate and thinks about it for a moment.

"Did something happen?" She questions and Eva shakes her head.

"No, just one night I was walking...alone. Aleksi found me and we were talking about—I-I don't really remember. He just had this deep, agonizing look in his eyes. Nikolai appeared and he was saying weird things...just like—" Sofia is staring at her with her large eyes and Eva looks around the bakery.

It's light out and the streets are busy outside. No one is paying attention near by so Eva keeps her head low and whispers, "Do you remember the folktale of the children of the night?"

For a second, Eva sees Sofia's face pale at the words.

"That was some stupid story our village always told."

"Don't bullshit me, Sofia." Eva snaps and she swallows the thick bile in her throat. Without a word, Eva fishes for the old photo of her Baba and Nikolai. She pulls it out and places it on the table. Sofia stares at it and Eva points with her index finger.

"Who is in this photo?" She asks her and Sofia stares, her eyes moving from one blurry face to the other.

"Baba and Nikolai."

"Exactly," Eva agrees, grabbing the picture and flipping it to the back. "This photo was taken in 1972 and Nikolai looks exactly the same." She realizes that Sofia can see him because she believes just like Eva.

"Ne mozhesh da kazhesh nishto, Eva." Sofia's eyes are sharp and her voice is firm.

Eva falls back in her seat and nods, "I don't have to, as long as I know I'm not going crazy."

Sofia sighs and rubs her hand through her hair, "Aleksi loves you. He loves you a lot and it was always like that when we were kids."

"I know," Eva breathes, thinking about their moments together growing up.

"You missed a lot in the ten years you haven't been here." Sofia explains and Eva glances at her eyes. Sofia's eyes swell but she blinks back the tears. "I want you to be safe so just don't do anything stupid. Not even look for more answers, that'll keep you alive."

"What do you know, Sofia? What are you not telling me?"

"You already know. There is nothing more for me to say to you." She's right, so she doesn't keep asking questions. Sofia crosses her arms across her chest and tilts her head.

She adds, "I just don't want you and Will to get hurt."

"Why does it matter to Will?" It comes out aggressive and she purses her lips into a line. Sofia stares at her and chuckles for a second.

"Don't you love him?"

"Yeah but none of this involves Will." Eva makes clear and Sofia shrugs.

"Not in his perspective. The moment I laid my eyes on him, I saw what kind of man he is and I-I don't like him. He's not the right match for you."

Eva spins her mug in circles and rests her head in her hand.

"The thing is, if I lose him—I have no one in America." Sofia reaches for her hand and takes it. She gives it a light squeeze and it makes Eva warm.

"Sometimes it's better to be alone than be with someone you don't see a future with." She whispers to her and Eva grinds her teeth together.

"What if the person I want to be isn't the person I knew anymore?" Sofia's eyes soften with sadness and knows who Eva is referring to. Eva sighs and rubs her eyes tiredly.

"I wish time stood still, so you knew how amazing that person was when you were gone." Sofia mutters to her, thinking of Aleksi before his whole life changed. Waiting for Eva as long as it took.


You can't say anything - Ne mozhesh da kazhesh nishto

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