Chapter Sixteen: Translucent

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Aleksi catches Eva before she hits the ground.

"What was that for?" He growls at the redhead while cradling Eva's upper body like a child. She is soundly sleeping against him, the bottom half of her body limp on the road.

"What's so intriguing about this human?" She asks Nikolay, turning to him. Her dark lipstick clashing with her white complexion and red hair. Aleksi brushes Eva's hair to the side and stares at her baby-like face.

"His human emotions still linger for her. He just doesn't know whether he wants to eat her or fuck her." The group laugh at his comment and Aleksi sneers at his maker.

"Ahhh, that's so precious." The redhead pouts and Aleksi gently places Eva on the ground.

"I don't want you here until Evangelia leaves, Anna." Aleksi informs the redhead, Anna. The other two vampiresses standing around raise their brows at the command. "Shte sŭzdadete problemi." He mutters because he is never this vocal. He never speaks up since he is—relatively—newly turned.

Anna scoffs at him, running her fingers through her long hair.

"Calm down, creature. We were passing though. We sniffed out a pack in the city and wanted to inform Nikolay." She slowly approaches Eva, kneeling down and brushing the hair away from her face.

Nikoaly raises a curious brow. "A pack? What are they doing here?"

"They aren't from here. Opredeleno ne e ot Bŭlgariya." She smells Eva for a split second and realizes why Aleksi craves for her blood. She smells sweet like a hard candy once it touches the tip of your tongue.

"We will take care of it." Ivan jumps in, removing his arm off the blonde vampiress. "We did last time."

"This isn't the same pack. But we should push them out, so your nest is safe." Anna strategizes and Nikolay stares at the ground and thinks deeply. His eyes narrow at Eva's body and knows that the werewolves won't come down to the village. But they will stay in the forest where his nest hunts.

"We'll push them back. Whenever they come. I'm sure it'll be in a few days."

"They seem to be enjoying themselves so I'm sure it'll be until the next full moon." The blonde chimes in.

"Which is?" Hristo questions and the black hair vampriess replies, "Chetvŭrtŭk."

"Aleksi will stay down here to make sure they aren't lurking." Aleksi looks at all of them and nods. He has encountered werewolves before but from afar. They never come here but this pack must be traveling and need somewhere to turn during the full moon.

Anna smiles at him and raises a brow, "And protect Evangelia."

"That is a main one for sure. She did almost get lured into the ocean by the sirens." Nikolay chuckles as though it's funny when she did. Silently, Aleksi gives him a look and rolls his eyes.

"What a pity. Aleksi would be crying for centuries." The blonde chimes in and Georgi laughs.

"He would have to eat, Will." Georgi says and the vampiresses hiss at the male name.

"Who is this Will?" Aleksi curses under his breath. Although he hates Will, he wouldn't want to put him in danger too, especially since he means a lot to Eva.

"Her lover," Hristo answers darkly, his hungry eyes staring down at Eva.

"Aw, poor Aleksi." Anna frowns before running her finger along his neck. "It's okay, I have plenty of women who would love to be next."

Aleksi is enlightened at the idea but growls and pulls away. She senses his temptation and desire and giggles.

"I'm taking Eva home." Aleksi begins walking to her body and picks her up. Her head bobbles onto his chest. "Will she wake?" He asks Anna and she nods her head.

"She will wake up and feel as new." Aleksi mutters something to himself and walks off into the darkness of the village.



Shte sŭzdadete problemi - You are going to cause issues.

Opredeleno ne e ot Bŭlgariya – Definetly not from Bulgaria.

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