Chapter Four: Settling for Nothing

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It brings tears to her eyes. Everything looks so beautiful and alive and all she's waiting for is her bába to come out and greet her. Yet no one exits the house—not even her bába with welcoming arms.

"Her body is at the morgue. I've been dealing with all the funeral arrangements for you. I don't want you to do anything else but go through the house. Everything else will be settle from there." Viktoria says to Eva when she walks into the closed-in patio too.

Will carries in their luggage's without a word and enters the home. It irritates Eva that he enters her bloods home before she does. Especially since he disses on her culture and native country most of the time.

She knows he's just here to leave the company for a getaway. It makes her blood boil.

Viktoria turns and sees Will's back facing them. She turns back to Eva with wide eyes.

"Godenik?" She asks and Eva shakes her head drastically.

"No, no, Viktoria. Ne sme sgodeni." Will comes back and forces a smile before returning back to the car to grab final bags left behind. Viktoria watches him and the way he holds himself up like he is a man on a dais. It irks her for a woman who's lived in a village her whole life.

"Thank goodness." She mutters in return before holding up a flower on a stem with her fingers. "Aleksi would be very upset."

Eva's heart begins to race when his name is rolled off Viktoria's tongue. Her brown eyes glow with excitement and her stomach churns.

"What has Aleksi been doing?" Eva asks her and Viktoria leans up against the stone half-wall that closes the patio all around.

"He's barely home. Aleksi has got himself in some complications but you'll see him. He knows you are coming and he's..." She drifts off and looks down with a frown on her face. Will comes back to view and stands next to Eva, wrapping his arm around her waist.

"He's what?" Eva questions with curiosity and Viktoria shakes out of her thoughts and puts a long smile on her face.

"He's very delighted that you're returning."


After a few minutes, Viktoria left so Eva and Will can settle down inside the house. She insisted that they come to the village square for a celebration. Not for bába's death but for her visit. Will didn't seem enthusiastic about it, but Eva knows that she's going to see a lot of people she knew since last; she's been there.

They all are probably anticipating her return.

Once they enter the house, the kitchen is to the right and the dining room is connected straight ahead. Will looks around—at the photos on the wall, the perishable food on the counters and the knitting kit on the dining table left untouched.

Eva closes her eyes and breaths in, taking in the scent of her bába lurking around her. Holding her hand with every step she takes. Ten years, she thinks. It's been ten years.

"We could do a lot of renovating in the kitchen, that's for sure." Will begins, opening the wooden cabinets and closing them softly. He opens the refrigerator and scavenges through the containers. "Maybe a new dining set too."

"What?" Eva says with confusion. She is standing in the middle of the dining room, staring at him with her brows knit together. "Nothing needs to be fixed."

"Well, I'd love if we can fix this place up." Will insists, slowly making his way to her. She stiffens when he wraps his arms around her and pulls her close to his body. Planting a kiss on her lips, she smiles. "So, we can come and visit. And our kids can come and their kids after that. Doesn't that sound amazing?"

Now, he wants to keep this place for his own pleasure.

"Yes, I can see that." Eva agrees because she can't think of selling this home and leaving it forever. She will pass it down from generation to generation.

Will pulls away and he looks around the room again. After he points at the ceiling and Eva glances up to the left.

"Can we at least fix that leak? I'm surprised your grandmother didn't fix that."

Eva stares at the small circular part of the ceiling that has become a darker shade of brown from the leak. Will is right for once. Eva always knew how clean her bába was when it came to the house. Anything damaged, she made sure she got fixed.

Yet, there was a leak that stained her perfectly white ceiling.



Godenik - fiance

Ne sme sgodeni – We are not engaged

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