Chapter 13 : V košili jsi vypadal tak hezky

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I took another bite of the apple.

Actually, I ate all of it. I devoured it.

It was delicious, the taste of blood added a soft and crusty touch as the meat was making my stomach go upside down each time I was swallowing.

Only the portion of seeds was still not eaten.
I got out of the bus and threw the rest of the fruit in the bin.

I then went to school after checking that my shirt and tie were perfectly clean.

When I arrived in front of the building, already half of the school was here. I received death stares, who slowly transformed into shocked ones and even admired looks.

A smirk was still on my face as I was walking with pride and happiness. I was looking for Simon when I realized he wasn't here yet.

I entered the school with the rest of the students, those staying away from me as they didn't even pass next to me from less than 2 meters (2 meters = 6'6).

Entering the school was the next step, this one was a success: people stared at me ane whispered to their friends, probably rumors about me, or maybe some insults.

I liked to think they were just in love with my person, which, is understable to me, maybe not to the rest of the school though.

Society was such a dumb thing : "accept yourself", "but stay away from this weirdo".


When are people gonna understand they're not better than another.

Actually they're lame. The only thing they know how to do are mistakes and then they put the fault on someone else. And just for this they look "nice".

They think they're cool by smoking, drinking, bullying people, wear the same thing everybody else wear, not having a futur by not even trying or act like they are better than me.

That's dumb. They're all dumb. They're just fucking idiots not gathering anything about what they are: motherfucking assholes.

Jsem lepší než oni.
I'm better than them.

Mnohem lepší.
So much better.

Zaslouží si zemřít.
They deserve to die.

Ale nezaslouží si, abych je jedl
But they don't deserve me to eat them.

To dělá jen on.
Only he does.

A zasloužím si je sníst.
And I deserve to eat him.

Snězte ho až do posledního kousku masa.
Eat him until the last piece of meat.

Do posledního kousku kůže.
Until the last piece of skin.

Požírej ho, dokud neomdlí.
Devour him until he passes out.

Vychutnává si každou chuť, když se pomalu a bolestivě hroutí, když si uvědomuje svou chybu.
Enjoying every flavour as he collapse slowly and painfully as he realizes his mistake.

Pít každou kapku jeho krve, pomáhat při každém bolestném zasténání, které mi může způsobit.
Drinking each drop of his blood, assisting to each moan of pain he can make for me.

Jen abych potrestal svou milovanou.
Just to punish my beloved.

After some seconds, Simon finally arrived to school. He directly went to his friends group and those pointed me with a pissed expression while saying something in his hear.

Let Me Switch PlacesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora