It made me happy to see her happy. We were just teenagers. I will turn eighteen in a week and she just turned sixteen. We are the youngest mafia couple in the world. It was a dream come true for me. I gave her all of my dad's information and showed her the office. She was more organized than I could ever be. I gave her the passwords for everything in my life and the life of my father. We learned so much about my father and his weird business. It was fascinating.

*3 Years later*

It's been three years now. I turn 21 today and my queen already turned 19 this year. She made my world to a better place. My 'Kingdom' wasn't considered bad anymore. We changed into peaceful people and even Ashley was done with his hatered against us Black's. Nobody asked for my dad ever again and everything was pure peace. It couldn't get any better. Today Caitlyn said I should take a break from work, so she gave me a gift card for a car-show. I really was excited for that show.

So I got ready and went down to my girl, to say goodbye. "I'm gonna head off to the show babe.." I said to her. She gave me a big hug and kissed me passionately. Her fingers tangled in my hair. "I'm gonna miss you baby." She whispered against my lips. Then she let go off me and I left.

Caitlyn PoV...

It's my boyfriend's birthday and I had a milion phonecalls to do, just to plan the whole day. I needed the house for us alone that day, so I sent everybody away, after they helped me decorate everything. Just CC was at home, in case that something happens, that Ashley had planned. But we didn't heard much about him since Mr.Black died. So I think, we gonna have a great day without worrying about Ash. "CC!!" I called out. Nobody answered. I called him on his phone but he was not answering his phone. I started to feel uncomfortable and a little scared. "CC!!" I walked through the house, yelling his name. Nothing. As I walked out of the house, through the backdoor, everything went black and I didn't know where I was anymore.

Andy PoV...

'Ring ring' my phone went hot on calls so I decided to answer at least this one time. It seemed to be important. "Black?" As I recognized the voice on the other end of the phone, I got goosebumps. OH NO! "Yeah, I got myself a little something from you.." Ashley said. "What did you steal?" I pressed through gritted teeth. "I don't know what her name is.. I think it was Caitlyn?" He said, his smile was audible. "Let her go!" I exclaimed. "HA HA HA Andrew! You silly little boy. I'm so not gonna do that."

"What do you want? I'm doing everything!" I said, a sad tone in my voice, my hands shaking, my heart racing. "I just wanna talk to you first."

"We could've done that without you kidnapping the love of my life!"

"That would've been way too boring."

"Please...we can meet up in like twenty minutes."

"Very perfect small one." He said, teasing me with pet names. I rolled my eyes. "Don't hurt her. You wouldn't want that." I said. Obviously stating the fact that she's his daughter. He didn't knew that. He just knew that he had a daughter her age. He didn't knew her name, nor where she was from or what she looked like. "Of course, If I get what I want, nobody get's hurt. Just be there." He said. I hung up and got dressed again. I directly rushed to my car and sped of. "How could I be so stupid and let her alone? I shoul've known that!" I yelled to myself. My foot on the gas pedal felt like a heavy stone.

I arrived at the spot and had to wait for them. I saw purdy's black van arriving and instantly my fists clenched and my brows furrowed. He left the car and went straight over to me. "Black! My favorite son of a gun!" He said, with a big smile on his ugly face. "Shut up and tell me what you want from us! I want this to end for god's sake!!" I yelled at him. "I want to be the first! I want power, I want to be the most feared guy in town!" He exclaimed. "That was what I tought." I said.

Meanwhile I could see my baby girl climbing out of the car behind him. Silently she went over to him. Ash always had a gun in his pocket. "You'll never be more feared than a Black!" I said, laughing. I needed to provoke him, till he holds a gun in my direction. "I am the first, and I will stay the first, because I am way smarter than you!" I said. That was what I wanted, he took out his gun and held it in my direction. My princess was by now, standing directly behind him and kicked his feet away. He fell down, on his back and whilest falling, the sound of a gunshot filled the air. I could hear my Caitlyn scream for me. It didn't hit me, though. "I'm fine babygirl!" I called over to her.

Ash was on the floor and his gun laid right in front of him. I was faster then him, getting it and held it directly in his direction. By now I could see some of his gooneys coming from the side. "Baby, in the trunk!" I said and she ran over to my car. I had another gun in the trunk. An AK-47 for her. She actually looks so hot with it. But I couldn't simp over her now, we needed to fight off Ashleys gooneys. So I shot two of them to protect Caitlyn. When she had her gun, we switched and I murdered the rest of them. Ashley wanted to run but I caught him. I smashed him to the ground and my girl gave him the rest, she shit him right between his eyes.

Then I called CC for the rest. The boddies needed to be taken care of. He was the man to do that. After that I kissed Caitlyn "Baby, I'm so proud of you. I love you." She smiled "You're my Clyde baby." Tears of joy formed in my eyes. This girl really IS perfect for me. But now we have a problem. We are the highest in town. We killed the boss of the other mafia gang and that means, I am the King now. But how do I do that? I just know half of the stuff my dad did and I think they're not gonna help me. I think they'll test me and if I don't do good, they'll never accept me. My self concious mind told me to give up and run away but the other side of my brain told me to fight and impress them, so I can be the highest.

The power that my dad always wanted. I got it now and no, I will not run away from that. Caitlyn was in her room, innocently coloring in her coloring book. She needed to calm down.

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