Part 15

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Before we start, i need to say a few things.

1. my parents took away all my technology to "improve my mental health" but i used my negotiating powers to make them allow me to get at least 2 hours of screentime. this means that updates will be coming but not daily as they were

2. the support on my books recently has been crazy and i want to thank you all so fucking much. i wish i could hug each and every one of you <3

3. there WILL be a sequel to this book coming out relatively soon after this book ends.

thats it! thank you!

TW: Tyler, mentions of death, mentions of fire

That night, everyone came back to the court room. Lori had a terrified look on her face and Tyler looked proud.

I fixed my posture in my seat and scanned the room for Ranboo. He was nowhere to be found.

I sighed and looked around the room. Nobody looked pleased except Tyler.

"We have discussed..." the judge started.

My stomach had butterflies. Not the ones I get when Ranboo hugs or kisses or spends time with me. Butterflies like I was going to throw up.

"And it has been decided. The punishment for Rachel will be death. Burning at the stake." he says.

My heart drops and I look over at Lori who's crying.

This was it.

I space out. I don't hear the rest of my punishment. I scan the room once more for Ranboo.

I spotted him.

He was standing in the back, frozen in shock. He was sobbing and staring at me, a worried look on his face.

"Tomorrow at noon, the execution will take place. You are dismissed" he dismisses everyone.

People leave the building. A few come up to me and say they'll pray for me. A few apologize.

Tyler stares at me, a satisfied look on his face.

I space out once again. It feels like I'm frozen.


"Rachel?" a voice says, snapping me out of my trance.

I look up and see Ranboo.

"Ranboo..." I whisper, tears streaming down my face.

"I can fix this. I promise. I'll try everything to save you. I promise I promise I promise" he hugs me and holds me tight.

"There's nothing to be done" the judge says, grabbing a piece of paper.

"There has to be" Ranboo speaks, glaring at the man.

"I'm sorry your majesty. It's final"

The judge leaves, a sad look on his face.

"There has to be something" he paces the room.

I look at the seats in front of me. Lori was still there, frozen in fear.

"Lori?" I stand up and go to her.

"It's all my fault..." she mumbles, still focused on the seat I was just in.

"Oh Lori, no it's not. It's Tylers" I sigh, hugging her.

"I shouldn't have given in" she cries.

"It was meant to happen." I whisper.

"How are you so calm?" she asks.

"I'm not. I'm just.... shocked" I sit down next to her.

Ranboo was still pacing, mumbling something to himself.

"I'm worried for him" I sigh.

"So am I. But more importantly, I'm worried for you"

"I've got it!" Ranboo says triumphantly.

"Got what?" I stand up.

"We'll run away. Far away. So far they'll never find us." he smiles.

"That wouldn't work. They have guards blocking every exit. Its's meant to be like this." I say, tears rolling down my face.

"Rachel..." Ranboo walks over to me.

"I love you. So much" I whisper, hugging him.

"I love you too" they whisper, running their hands through my hair

I hope you enjoyed this chapter <3

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