Part 11

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~Ranboos POV~

I woke up to Rachel's face pressed up against my chest, fast asleep. I pressed a kiss to her forehead and closed my eyes again.

"Ranboo?" she says, a few minutes later.


"Good you're awake"

"Are you ok?" she sits up and so do I.

"What if someone finds out about us?"

"It won't be a big deal" I shrug.

"But your father is already getting brides for you."

"I'll write him a letter"

I got up and went to my desk.

Dear Father,

I have found a bride in our hometown. She is not a princess but I love her. No need to keep searching.

Kind regards,

I seal it in a envelope and bring her to the stables. She watches me place it in the mail bag and she smiles.

"You should do that more"

"Do what?" she questions

"Smile. It looks nice on you" I plant a quick kiss on her lips and we walk to the garden.

I pick her a flower and hand it to her.

"It's tradition after all" I smile.

"Thank you" she smiles brightly.

"See you tonight?"

"Tonight" she crawls through the hole and walks away.

~Rachel's POV~

"Rachel" a male voice said.

I turned around and was faced with Tyler.


"Why are you so close to the castle?" he walks next to me.

"I went for a walk and ended up here. Why are YOU here?"

"Uh... no reason"

"You were spying on me"

"What no!"

"I don't believe you"

He starts to stutter, trying to explain himself.

"Go away Tyler" I sigh.

"No" he grabs my hand.

I turned around and stared at him.

"Let go" I try to yank my hand free.

He pulls me closer and kisses me. I didn't kiss back.

I pull free and slap him.

"Careful Tyler."

"What are you doing?" he rubs his cheek where I slapped him.

"No. What are YOU doing? I'm engaged for Christ's sake!" I yell at him

"So? Get rid of him!"

"No! I love him"

"And I love you" he yells at me.

"Well too bad" tears streamed down my face.

"I can ruin your life"

"Go for it."

I was interrupted by the sound of a horse walking up to us.

"Rachel, the king wants to see you" Ranboo says, glaring at Tyler.

"Of course your highness" I stare at Tyler, who was staring at his feet.

He moves up and lets me onto the horse.

Ranboo glares at Tyler as he walks away swiftly.

"Thank you" I whisper.

"I can't leave you alone for two minutes" he chuckles

"How did you know?"

"I heard you yelling so I went over" he shrugged.

"Is there one bad thing about you? You're literally perfect" I chuckle.

"Well so are you" he smiles at me as he dismounts from the horse.

He reaches for my hand and helps me down.

"Do you want to go home?" he asks


"Then we'll go through the woods" we walked back to the trail in the woods.

"Was he the same Tyler from the ball?" he asked after a few moments.

"Yes" I sigh.


When we got to my house, I faced him.

"Am I still seeing you tonight?"

"Of course" he kisses my hand.


"Goodbye" he leaves me standing there.

"Are you Rachel Moore?" a voice behind me speaks


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