I lightly chuckled. "I figured."

"Reece will always be mine. So stay away." She demanded smacking her gum, and pushing a piece of hair behind her ear.

"If I can recall correctly, he's currently mine, and not yours." I chuckled again.

"He still loves me though." She said smaking her lips.

"Can you just grow up, and realize he's moved on." I said in her face. "If you weren't so self centered, maybe you'd realize not everyone is in love with you."

She rolled her eyes. "Stay away from my Reece, or else." She threatened getting in my face.

"Considering Reece could give zero fucks about you, why don't you stay the fuck away from both of us." I yelled. "And FYI, boys around here prefer girls who don't wear clumps of makeup." I said in disgust and purposely bumped into her shoulder as I continued to walk towards Java Juice.

I don't know what Reece sees in her. She's a crazy obsessive skank. He could do a lot better than that.

I ordered a large strawberry smoothie once I got to the shop, and drank it all before I even made it back to the dorm, just because it was so hot out.

After stepping on many pairs of shoes that belonged to many stressed students, pushing backpacks out of the way, and slipping past people, I finally made it to Cooper Dormitory.

I passed a couple making out against a wall, and many loud dorm rooms Before I reached our room. I lifted my hand, and knocked on the door considering I still don't have a key.

It's not like you need one, you'll be leaving soon.

I pushed that thought out of my head once Reece unlocked the door.

"What took so long?" He asked moving out of the way so I could come in.

"Long line." I lied before Reece nodded in response, and plopped down on my bed beside the giant banana, and let out a sigh of relief. Nothing feels better than coming home to your bed after a long stressful day.

This morning, Reece's extremely loud snoring woke me up two hours before my alarm. I turned over, and wrapped a pillow over my head attempting to block out the noise, but that didn't help. I even tried to wake Reece up, but he's got to be the heaviest sleeper I've ever met, and didn't even budge. So I'm exhausted, and all I want to do is go to sleep.

But unfortunately Reece's voice prevented that from happening. "Princess." He whined, acting as if he was a fiver year old who didn't get the toy he wanted in his favorite toy store.

"Reecey Cup" I whined mocking him.

"Reecey Cup?" He questioned, with a smirk placed on his face.

"I figured since you get to call me Princess, that I could give you a nickname too." I grinned. "Reecey's Pieces sounds suitable as well."

"Look at us, already moving on to pet names." His light laugh was the cutest thing I've ever heard.

"If you ask me, id say we're moving way too fast." I winked as he rolled his eyes.

He stretched out one of his long tan arms for me to grab. "Come watch a movie with me." I accepted his offer, and placed my hand in his large one.

The pace of my heartbeat from the skin on skin contact, actually made me nervous. And I doubt Reece would rescue me, if I just fell over, and laid sprawled across the hardwood floor. Knowing Reece, he'd take a picture, and post it on social media, while I lay unconscious on the dusty flooring.

Dorm Room 143Where stories live. Discover now