Chapter Six

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"You look like you saw a ghost." David stated, with an almost questioning tone. Clearly wondering why you had quickly gone so pale.

You felt a lump form in your scratchy throat, choosing to respond to David before opening whatever Brian had to say. "Well- the ghost of Christmas past- Brian texted me." You mumbled, eyes trained on your screen. Trixie almost instinctively stood from the bed, but made no move to get any closer.

Brian had been avoiding Trixie since his relapse, and though they still often saw each other at work, anyone receiving an at all congruent message or phone call from him was a million to one. He kept to himself, and at least attempted to keep the pain along with it.

"What'd he say?" He asked, crossing his arms and beginning to nervously chew at his thumb nail. Trixie was always assuming the worst as to not be disappointed, but you thought it made him more anxious than anything else. His brown eyes peered up at you nervously- that scared expression being one you had become all too familiar with.

You swiped open your phone to read the message.

(Brian): can I come see you?

Read and re read the text about 3 times and really wished you hadn't jumped on getting sober so quickly, because this was stressful.

"He wants to come over." You stated, swallowing harshly and sending a shooting pain through your sore throat.

Everyone paused. Neither yourself, Trixie or David really knew what to say, but you all knew Katya was most definitely still doing drugs and you had JUST stopped so though very tempting, this was most likely not a great idea.

"Do you want him to?" Trixie asked speaking gently. "Do you feel like you can see him and everything will be ok?" He reiterated deliberately.

To be completely honest you were not sure if everything was going to be ok, but the question onto wether you wanted to see Brian was a stupid one. Of course you did, you always wanted to see him and you hadn't been able to in far too long to resist.

David must have gotten impatient because he quickly spoke up again before you could answer. "Ask him if he's high." David stated, Trixie's gaze immediately darting back to face his boyfriend.

You nodded, deciding you could make a more informed decision if you had this rather important information considering your most recent choices.

Are you high? :(You)

Brian was quick to respond, obviously awaiting your answer.

(Brian): No

(Brian): But I am horny and I wanna see you

Now you were interested.

"Well?" Trixie snipped, eyes wide as both guys waited expectantly.

"He said no. He wants to hook up." You snorted, scoffing gently over the stupidity of your anxiety.

You had completely forgotten about Lea at this point and any comfort she had ever provided you could not compare to the idea of Brian's body even in your proximity, let alone the idea of it against yours.

Trixie and David, however did not look so relived. "This is still a decision your gonna have to make carefully, hun." David, sighed regretfully, standing from his seated position. "Katya may not currently be on drugs, but she could be trying to be. Plus, your not really in the best place to screw with your emotions right now." He explained as his hand slid up his boyfriends forearm to his lower back, resting there.

Same Game: Different Devils - Katya Zamolodchikova x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now