Chapter Five

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The doorbell to your house sounded and you stood on shaky legs, reaching for a t-shirt and pulling it over your head, your hair messily mopped atop of it. You felt so drowsy and weak, practically dragging yourself down the long winding stairs - struggling every step- to the door, and taking a good 5 minutes to do to.

Your hand gripped the cold doorknob, a significant amount of effort put into such a simple task as you drew the door open. Trixie's eyes were droopy and swollen, with bloodshot pupils suggesting he may have been crying. David stood a few steps behind him with his hands in his pockets, the both of their bodies rigid with obvious discomfort.

You parted your lips, but the only sound that came out was a weak cry and before you knew it, your arms were draped over Trixie's tall frame and you were crying into his neck.

It was a relief to hug your friend after all of the fighting and emotions. Trixie sighed and wrapped his arms around you protectively, turning his nose into your hair. "You can always ask us for help." David hummed, his hand landing softly on your back, gripping it comfortingly as you and Trixie continued to hug.

Sniffling, you pulled back to look at him with teary eyes, hiccuping as you tried to hold back your incessant tears. "Anytime." Trixie confirmed, gripping both of your shoulders in each of his strong hands and giving you an affirming squeeze. Trixie quickly averted his eyes,  wiping away a tear before beginning to guide you back into the large house.

Neither Trixie or David had been in your new house yet, but you doubted this would be the time for them to admire the large size or modern and expensive architecture. You would give them the grand tour after this was dealt with.

You stumbled slightly, feeling the affects of your emotional exhaustion causing you much more disorientation then you had expected. Trixie's hand pressed to your lower back, steadying you as you walked into the large living room.

"Here- just uh- let's sit here..." you mumbled, reaching for the arm of the couch and practically falling into it as you sat down. Trixie looking back to David with a pained expression as the both of them awkwardly sat beside you, maneuvering themselves around the coffee table to give you some space on the large L-shaped couch.

An awkward silence passed over the room and you nervously readjusted your legs, making no attempt to start a conversation you felt so childishly afraid of. You sighed, your shoulders dropping. "Do you wanna get clean?" David asked, breaking the tense quiet air and asking the question both you and Trixie were too afraid to ask.

Your lips parted, but again, your words failed you and you simply nodded, keeping your eyes on the floor and avoiding your what you felt was like a parent's disappointed gaze. "Please say it." Trixie choked out, weaker than you had ever heard his regularly strong and snarky voice.

You often thought of Katya's first slip up as one of the scariest moments of your life, both his and Trixie's reactions to that situation terrifying you, but you hadn't been the cause of that pain. This time around, you were the only one to blame.

"Well what am I supposed to say?" Trixie snapped, an attitude very common in her humour, but much less light hearted. "It's not your fault. I know. We've been through this shit before. But it hurts Brian. I just want you to be happy and healthy and be my friend like you've always been. I can do it on my own, but why would I want to? We both know it's way more fun to live our twisted lives together than apart and I don't want to loose that over some stupid chemical that wiggled it's way into your brain. It's not fair. I love working with you, but I love you being my friend even more, and I don't think I could do life without you." The queen choked up with the last words and so did you, tears welling in your eyes as you tried to hold back your emotions. You related to what Trixie was saying and it only affirmed how much you cared about the both of them, not to mention how solemnly sweet the moment was. On shaky legs, you wandered into your bedroom, leaving the queens to talk in private. You looked carefully over your face in the bedroom mirror, practically contemplating each and every one of your life choices. You were feeling all too conflicted. You were so apprehensive about getting into a relationship, but Brian seemed like the perfect person.

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