Chapter Two

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  "It's been awhile..." Katya smiled, looking over to you for a split second before looking back to Trixie and stiffening slightly. Katya was obviously sweating bucket, but that wasn't too unusual for the human furnace. Your eyes darted down to your hands where they were busily picking at your nails. You had fond memories of her warm body- it was always so comforting.

"Where are you going, bitch? We just had a whole ass heart to heart!" He teased, sitting on the side of his hip and giving you a stupid look as he stared at you.

"I'm going to shower. You weren't kidding when you said you were the sweatiest woman in show business..." you scoffed, slowly padding into the on suite. Just as expected the minute you hopped into the warm water, Brian was walking into the bathroom to join you.

"I just wanted to come say goodbye to my lesbian moms before I disappear!" The queens words shook you out of your reminiscent trance and you were pulled back to reality.

Your gaze flicked over to Trixie and her frustrated expression shocked you a little bit, you couldn't even lie. her body shifted in one place, her shoulders tensing slightly and her pink lips pulling into a tight line. "You just got here." Trixie stated firmly, creasing her barely visible forehead beneath her pounds of makeup. You assumed the queen heard her own tone and quickly saw the shock across the group because she was fast to try to recover. "You haven't even gotten a chance to meet (Y/N)'s blow up doll- oh sorry- girlfriend." Trixie teased, striking a little harder than usual and causing David to cringe slightly, scrunching his nose and taking a step back.

Your feelings weren't hurt, but you definitely felt obligated to defend Lea despite your sad excuse of a relationship. "Hey now- she's having a good time- maybe your just too old to appreciate it miss Malibu 1962." You smiled back, fluttering your eyelashes innocently. You swayed back and forth in place, feeling the effects of the drugs you had taken earlier.

You didn't dare look over, but you could feel Katya's piercing blue eyes burning a whole in the side of your head. Hopefully she took the news of your relationship ok, you knew you would have a rough time knowing of let alone meeting any of her new lovers.

Trixie was obviously still frustrated and for some reason she had decided to take out her anger on you. "Do drugs always mean a good time to the both of you?" Trixie snapped, flaring her nostrils as she glared at you, then surprising both you and David as her gaze darted over to Katya.

It was a low blow, but you supposed somebody had to say it.

The blonde you had once been so infatuated with seemed to shrink down and your own eyes landed on her just as her shoulders dropped and her red lips parted in shock.

See this is why you being the confrontational type could get you in trouble.

"You know what- fuck off Trixie. Does this seem like the time?" You scoffed, furrowing your brows and pulling Trixie's attention away from Katya and back onto yourself, immediately giving the Russian queen a chance to escape through the crowd. You wanted to go after her- you really did- but you weren't sure how much Katya would even appreciate it considering the news she had just received.

Trixie threw her hands up in defeat and groaned, David's eyes were wide as he watched everything unfold. The queen took a deep inhale and began gesturing wildly with her perfectly manicured hands as she spoke. "Does THIS seem like the time or place to be HIGH? Katya is my best friend, you WERE one of my closest friends, And I can't depend on either of you to be there for shit." Trixie scoffed, raising her voice and gaining some attention as she stared at you expectantly.

Just then Lea skipped over as intoxicated as ever and you watched as Trixie's blood boiled.

David reached forward to grab Trixie's forearm and the queens eyes snapped down to him. "Let's go talk to the other guests." David insisted. Trixie moved to burst out yelling, but instead she paused, took a deep breath and turned away without saying a word, her brown eyes avoiding yours as she strutted away, her blonde wig bobbing through the crowd.

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