Part 13

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Emily's POV

The day has come for my birthday party. I have no idea who Dustin invited I just know Eddie is coming and Steve. I cringe thinking about Steve showing up.

It's one o'clock only an hour away until people start arriving. Time for me to get ready. I quickly get dressed in a black smock dress and my fake doc martens, Susan bought me. I accessorize with a random necklace, I don't know how to accessorize.

Sitting down at my desk, I start doing my makeup. I do exactly as the girl from Sephora taught me. Only this time I apply brow gel and mascara.

I see my reflection and smile.


"Are you okay?" Mom asks. That's when I realize I'm pacing back and forth in the living room.

"Just nervous." I flash a weak smile. Mom approaches me with her arms open wide and pulls me into a hug.

"It's gonna be okay, baby. You're gonna have so much fun. I promise."

I am worried about that but more worried about Eddie showing up and how moms gonna react but I can't tell her that. Just gonna let her find out when it's too late to tell me no.

She pulls away and Dustin walks in the front door with a girl, she has red hair.

"Emily this is Max. Max this is Emily." Dustin introduced us to each other.

We both say our hellos.

"I think you two will get along." He says leaving us alone in the living room. Mom gives me a reassuring smile and heads back into the kitchen.

I sit on the couch and she's on the loveseat across from me. "How do you know Dustin?" I ask.

"He's close friends with my boyfriend, Lucas. He's coming later. Are you going to Hawkins High?"

"Yeah, I'll be a senior this year," I answer her question.

"So what made you move here?" I tense up not wanting to tell a whole ass stranger my dad abused me.

"My dad died." Somehow in my brain, that's not as bad. He might as well be dead. He's dead to me.

"I'm sorry," Max says apologetically.

"It's okay. So what do you guys do for fun in this town?" I quickly change the subject.

"We hang out at Family video a lot, movie theater, and sometimes we go to Ann's Dinner. Mostly hang out at Mike's house."


"Dustin's friend before he was mine. His girlfriend is my best friend, Jane. We call her eleven. You should come next time."

"Sure, sounds like fun."

We bond over our love for horror movies. She tells me she knows how to skateboard. I think it is so cool, I'd probably fall on my ass immediately. She laughs when I tell her that and says I could come over one day and she'd show me.

Eventually, people start showing up. Max introduces me to Lucas, Mike, Jane, Will, and other people whose names I can't remember at this moment. Steve was here too, I did my best to avoid him.

Mom had set up a couple tables in the back yard. Laid out snack on one table, chairs around the fire pit. We all sat around the fire pit talking.

Two o'clock came and went, and still no sign of Eddie. Mom brings out pizza for everyone and we begin eating.

"Dustin, is everyone who's supposed to be here, here yet?" Mom asks.

"I believe so."

Just as my mood is about to be ruined, there's a knock at the door from inside. I jump up before anyone else can answer it. Mom looks at me confused, like who else could possibly be here.

I open the door and am greeted by Eddie. He's dressed differently and holding a present. He's wearing a t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans that have no holes in them. "You're late."

"Yeah sorry about that, my uncle needed my help."

"It's okay, you're here now." I smiled grabbing his arm and pulling him through the front door and outside.

I look to mom who's jaw has dropped to the floor. She gives Dustin a pissed off look, "It wasn't me." He says shrugging her shoulders. She looks at me troubled and confused how and why I would of invited, Eddie. I avoid eye contact and direct Eddie to the food.

"Emily can I talk to you?" I don't even respond just follow her inside.

"What's up?" I ask playing dumb.

"Did you invite him?" She points to Eddie through the sliding glass door.


"You know how I feel about him." She folds her arms.

"What do you mean?"

"He's the pedo hanging out with your brother."

"Oh that's him." I act like I have no idea, "I met him when Dustin and I went to Family Video. He started talking to Dustin. He seemed nice enough so I invited him. I invited Steve too." I add the Steve part to make it seem a little less severe.

Her face tells me she doesn't really care how we met but not about to start anything, "That's fine I guess."

"Thanks mom. I really do appreciate this." I give her a hug and she finally softens up.

"No problem sweetie, go have fun."

I find Eddie outside, "Is she mad?"

"Maybe a little bit but she's fine now." I explain.

"I don't know how you pulled that off." Dustin says approaching us, "I've been trying to convince mom for a year now that Eddie's not some creep. You literally invite him over without her knowledge and absolutely no reaction."

"It's called pretty privilege. It's a lot harder to say no to her." Eddie laughs. He thinks I'm pretty, I could die right here.

"Whatever." Dustin laughs and goes back to his friends.

"You didn't have to get me anything." I tell Eddie who's still holding the present. I grab it from and set it down with the other few presents I got. It's a pretty large box I wonder what it could be?

"But I did."

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