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Emily's POV

Mom said she wanted to have girls day today. She wants to take me to get my hair done. I'm really excited because I haven't gotten a professional hair cut since I was a child. I've gotten real good at giving my self at home hair cuts. After that we're heading to the mall, according to her I deserve some retail therapy. I'm not gonna argue with that.

"Are you ready to go?" Mom asks grabbing her purse and keys, opening the front door motioning me to follow her.

"Yes, I am so excited. Thanks again."

"No problem sweetheart," She smiles climbing into the car, I sit in the front passenger seat, "It's gonna be so fun today! My friend Tiffany will do an amazing job on your hair. Have you thought about what your gonna get done?"

I sit there a think about it for some time before responding, "Not sure I've only ever had long hair, that's all dad allowed."

"Maybe you should chop it all off then." She shrugs her shoulders.

"Maybe." I try to imagine my self with short hair and I can't. I've always wanted bangs but I don't think I'm brave enough to do that yet.


I'm sat in the stylists chair looking at myself in the mirror. This is quite an humbling experience.

"So what are we doing today?" Tiffany smiles at me in the mirror, bleach blonde hair and perfect makeup. I've always wished I could do makeup. Dad said it was for whores.

"I'm not sure. I've never had a real hair cut." She starts playing with my hair, her thinking face on.

A few minutes pass of her messing with my hair, "Have you ever thought about a little past your shoulders?"

"No. It's always been past my butt." I admit.

"With your wavy hair I think it would look beautiful," She says pointing to where she'd cut it. A whole lot shorter than I had thought I was going to do today. At least a sold 10-15 inches off, "Maybe some curtain bangs."

I look at my self again before I tell her, "Just do whatever you think would look best." A smile spreads across her face as she spins so I can't see my own reflection any more.


She's been cutting my hair for a while now. Mom keeps telling me it looks so good and that I'm gonna love it. I hope she's right.

The time finally comes for me to see it, "Are ready to turn around?"

"Yes." I say not ready at all. The chair starts to spin, it feels like I'm moving in slow motion.

"Holy shit," I say without even thinking, "Sorry mom." It looks better than I could of ever imagined. I start running my fingers through it, astonished at how light it feels.

"It's okay baby, holy shit is right. I told you Tiffany would do amazing!"

"It's a lot easier when you have a beautiful canvas to begin with." Tiffany winks at me.

"Thank you so much. I really like it." I say, still running my hands through my hair. I can't stop.

"I'm glad," She smiles as she starts sweeping up the hair, "Becky can check you guys out at the front desk." I thank her several more times as mom checks out and leaves a tip for Tiffany.

As we're leaving the salon mom tells me, "It looks so good, she did a great job. You want to go to the mall now?"

"Yes." I smile.

As soon as we arrive at the mall and make it inside mom hands me some money and says, "I have some boring old lady shops to go to. You take this money and go get whatever you want."

"This is too much," I say looking at the money she handed me, "You already got my hair cut."

"Baby hair cuts are a necessity, that's my job to get you a hair cut." She laughs, "Consider this part of your birthday present."

"Okay, thank you." I thought we were suppose to hang out today. Have a girls day together.

"Meet back here in two hours, okay?"


As I'm walking through the mall I pass many stores I had never heard of before. I decide that I want to get some makeup, so I find Sephora. I must of been looking lost because an employee approaches me. "Can I help you find anything?" She asks with a big smile.

"Yeah actually, I've never really worn makeup before. So I have no idea what I'm doing."

"Oh really? That's exciting. I'm more than happy to help. What are you thinking you need?"

"I know I wasn't blush and mascara. I want to keep it more natural." I say thinking about how I always thought mom looks so pretty with her blush.

"Well this is a great affordable mascara. If you're going for natural, cream products are the best for that." She grabs a coral blush and starts applying it to my face. 

I was kinda shocked she did that but I didn't stop her. She pulls out a hand mirror and faces it toward me. "Oh wow, I really like that."

"Perfect. You know what would complete this? Some liquid highlight."

"Highlight? What's that?" I question. She grabs something else of the self and starts applying it. It's a sparkly white cream.

"Now imagine it with some mascara. It would complete the look." She smiles showing me in the mirror.

"I look shiny. It's pretty. I'll take all three of these."

"Perfect I'll take them up front. Anything else?"

I think for a moment and remember watching mom do her eyebrows today, "Do you have eyebrow stuff?"

"Yes of course." She grabs an 'eyebrow kit, "This color would match best. It comes with a pencil, tweezers and brow gel." She then explains how to use the pencil and brow gel. I follow her up front and she checks me out. I thanks her many times before I leave the store with my lil Sephora bag.

I start walking through the mall again when I spot a record store. I always thought it be so cool to own a record player so I decided to check it out.

Once inside I realize its much more than a record store. They got all kinds of things CDs, band shirts, posters and a bunch of random merchandise.

I make my way down a random isle of records, I don't recognize any of the name on any of them. They're cool to look at though.

"Emily is that you?"

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