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Emily's POV

Cant believe I bumped into Eddie at the mall. When mom could of been anywhere. If she saw me with him she'd probably flip her shit. Can't have that so I fibbed and told him I had to go find her.

I spent the rest of my time in the mall avoiding any store that looked like Eddie would shop at. Not cause I didn't want to see him just don't want mom to. I'm starting to think maybe I wouldn't mind being around Eddie more especially considering what I had heard him saying about me that night he was over. I shake that thought off remembering how mom is.

I visit a few clothing store buying a couple things. When time finally rolls around to when I'm suppose to meet mom. I quickly make my way to front entrance of the mall keeping my eyes peeled for Eddie. I don't see him but I do see mom sitting at a bench without a single bag.

"Hi mom, did you get anything?" She looks down at her empty hands.

"Uhm no they didn't have what I wanted. Let's go get food before we head home." She smiled changing the subject and heading out the front door toward the car.


Once we make it home we're greeted by Dustin and Richard sitting in the living room watching tv. "Did y'all have fun today?" Richard asks.

"Yeah we did."

"That's great," he turns around to look at us, "Nice hair cut!"

"Thank you. I just told the stylist to do whatever she thought would suit me best. She did so good." I smile running my fingers thorough my hair. Every mirror I passed to today I had to stop at and stare at my reflection for a few minutes.

"That's awesome." He gets up and motions for him to follow her upstairs.

I'm left alone with Dustin.

"I saw Eddie today." I say to him.

"Really did he try talking you?" He takes attention away from the television to talk to me.


"Not trying to tell you what to do but I highly do not recommend."

"What do you mean?" I question Dustin.

"He's just not a relationship type of guy. He has a tendency to go through girls."

"Who said I cared if he was a relationship type of guy?" I ask using his exact phrasing to describe Eddie.

"No one. I just know how he is and I would hate for anything to happen to you."

"Aww do you care about me?" I laugh, hugging him quickly from behind the couch.

"Maybe a little." He cracks a grin.


One I'm upstairs I start putting my new stuff away. When mom found out I bought some makeup she insisted I get a little vanity mirror for my desk so she got me one. She also told me I needed makeup remover if I was gonna use makeup. It turned into a whole trip to target where she got me anything she thought I needed to 'do a full face.' I asked her if she'd show me how to use it all and she said of course.

I set the mirror up and look at my new hair for the millionth time today. I smile a little happier with my appearance. I think about how Eddie said he liked it and smile even more.

I immediately stop myself from smiling. I can't be smiling because of Eddie. Mom would never allow that and Dustin seems so against it. Which makes me feel bad for even thinking these thoughts.

I can't help it though. The night Dustin invited his friends over and I bumped into Eddie I was being a little nosey after that. I stood at the top of the stairs where they couldn't see me. Of course I waited until I heard Eddie leave the bathroom and stomp down the stairs.

I heard him call me hot. I've never been called hot before. I laughed when Mike started commenting on my appearance. I always wondered about that kid. It was very weird hearing them all comment on my looks. It definitely boosted my confidence a bit though. It brought a smile to my face hearing Dustin care about me getting hurt. I heard Dustin tell them to stop talking about me cause I could probably hear them. That scared me, maybe he realized I ease dropping so I stopped and went back to my room.

I'm all lost in my thoughts when someone knocks on my door, "Come in." It's mom this time.

"Setting up all your makeup I see." She sits on my bed.

"Yeah thanks again for today, I had so much fun with you."

"I had a proposal for you." She grins.


"It's your birthday this weekend."

"Yes?" I question.

"Let's have a party." She beams.

"You don't have to do that plus no one would come."

"I already asked Dustin to invite all his friends. It'd be the perfect opportunity to meet people before you start school!" She seems really proud of her idea so I don't disagree with her, secretly hoping Dustin invites Eddie.

"That sounds like fun!" I lie.

"Great." She gets up from my bed and starts leaving, "This is gonna be awesome! I'll get everything done for you."

"Thank you." I smile at her as she leaves my room closing the door behind her.


That sounds terrible. It sounds embarrassing. To have my little brothers friends be the only people at my birthday party. Even worse what if no one shows up? I love mom but this is a bad idea.

I'll just have to go through with it. She looked so proud of her own idea and so excited to plan it all.

How do I get Eddie to be there without actually doing anything to make it happen? Maybe if mom can be around him she'll realize he's not all the bad. I decide that's enough thinking and get ready for bed.

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