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Emily's POV

Today was the day I have been waiting for well over a decade now. The day I would finally get to move to Hawkins to live with my Mom and my brother Dustin.

I've been living with my father since I was a year old. My father moved us to California the first chance he got. To get me as far away as possible from my Mom, Claudia. She was only 17 years old when got pregnant with me and my dad was 24. He somehow convinced the court system to grant him full custody. I could never wrap my head around why they would give him full custody. My father always said it was because mom was a child herself and had no means to raise a kid while he had a house, a car, and a great-paying job. Completely disregarding the fact that he was the adult in the situation sleeping with a teenager.

I attempt to tell myself that it doesn't matter anymore because I am finally free from my dad's abuse. It all finally came to an end when one of the neighbors heard us yelling and the sounds of glass shattering, so they called the cops. I am incredibly grateful the neighbors didn't ignore my screams that night.

Growing up in my dad's house I had made a habit of locking my door from the inside. I knew what would happen if there was nothing stopping him from entering my room late at night. He'd come home drunk from the bar, enter my room to pick a fight over nothing. Which usually ended in me bleeding and bruised. Having to teach myself how to cover bruises with makeup. Having to create lies to tell my teachers and wondering people. I got really good at both of those things at a young age. While other teenagers my age were getting into relationships and going to parties, I was watching YouTube tutorials on how to conceal a black eye.

That night was different. I heard the sound of him trying to pick my lock but the sound of his smashing his entire weight into the door had me out of bed and on my feet. After a few attempts, my door flew open, breaking off the hinges and busting the lock. Normally he'd give up when he realized the door was locked but the sight of the only thing that physically kept him away from me at night broken, sends me into a panic. I begged him to stop but he didn't, taking a few steps towards me.

He hit me once, slapping me across the face. I had no time to react because he goes in for a second swing, only now his hand making a fist. I move quickly enough out of the way causing him to over reach his movement, and falling to the floor in a drunken blabbering mess.

While he's on the floor attempting to collect his bearings I reach behind my bed where I know there's a glass bottle from one of his many nights of drinking. I had been saving it for an attempt at protecting myself one of these times when I'd finally get the courage to do so. My door being broken off its hinges, gave me it.

When I go to face him, he's on his knees trying to stand up while lunging at me with his hands as an attempt to pull me closer. I take the glass bottle and smash it against his head as hard as I can muster up. He stumbles back in shock,

"You fucking bitch." He groans in pain, clutching his head. Those were the last words I ever heard come from my father's mouth.

I didn't stay to hear anything more. I was running with no destination in mind. Just knowing I needed to get as far as possible. Little did I know at the time my neighbor had already called the cops and they were on the way. After several minutes of running a few cops cars, blaring their sirens and lights on, drive past me in the direction of my home. It crossed for mind for a moment wondering if maybe they might be headed to where I left my father but I didn't dare turn back.

I start to recognize the neighborhood I'm in. My friend from school lived nearby, Taylor. I was too panicked to realize where my feet had lead me. A few minutes later I was at her door knocking, praying that someone would answer this late. My knocks turned into pounding until a man who resembles Taylor opened the door and  looked me down.

"Who are you?" He questions.

"Emma. I am Taylor's friend from school. I didn't know where else to go." As I explain the tears started flowing and I couldn't stop them.

"Are you okay? My names Mike, I'm Taylor's dad." He speaks, his voice heavy with concern. For whatever reason, I feel like I can trust him.

"No... My dad was trying to hurt me so I ran away." I answer his question as I noticed the blood on my shirt. I reached for my throbbing lip and felt the warmth of my blood, this caused me to cry even harder.

"Come in, let me help you." Taylor's dad opened the door completely and motioned for me to step inside.

I enter his home, his wife stood in the kitchen. Her face is filled with worry as she saw me stood there. As she attempted to soothe me, he walked off into the house. He called the cops to find out that the police were already looking for me. They arrived at Taylor's house, I explained everything that had happened to me that night. Telling the police that it had been happening since I was a child and it was only getting worse.

The police asked me if I had any other family I could stay with for a little while. I sat there in silence for a few moments trying to think of anyone, the only family I have live so far away.

I responded with, "Not that I know of. All my family lives in Indiana besides my Dad."

A female cop sat with me while the other cops figured out what to do with me. After some time, I was told I had an Aunt Susan, who lived about an hour away. I'd be staying with her temporarily until they could get in contact with my Mom.

In a matter of moments I lost my father and gained an Aunt. I didn't know that my dad had any siblings. It was almost 8AM when I finally made it to Susan's house. I was greeted by a tall skinny lady with dark brown hair and brown eyes, who looked just like my dad. Susan wrapped me up in a hug. I just stood there confused and uncomfortable. Unsure of what to do with myself.

"I know you probably don't remember me," Susan explained as she pull away from the embrace.

"Your dad stopped letting the family see you when you were only a baby. Haven't seen my brother in so many years."  She continues to speak. Unsure of how to respond and overwhelmed I decided to stay quiet.

"I bet you're exhausted. Let's get you to the room you're gonna stay in for the next few days." I nod in response and grabbed the one bag I was able to pack. I follow her lead as she heads inside.

When I woke up I looked over at the clock laying next to the bed, it read 12:34. I groaned annoyed that I only managed to sleep a few hours. I slowly got up and headed downstairs where I could hear Aunt Susan talking on the phone.

As soon as I made it downstairs I heard my new Aunt say, "She's right here. I'll give her the phone so you can speak to her."

"Who is it?" I ask putting the phone up to my ear and immediately recognizing the voice, it was my Mom. I had no control over my emotions in that moment and began sobbing at hearing her voice.

"Sweetheart, are you okay?" My mom asks, her voice filled with emotion.

"I don't know." I respond between tears.

"Baby listen. I'm gonna do whatever it takes to make sure you never have to see that man again. You're gonna come live with us from now on." She responds and I can tell that my Mom is trying to hold back tears.

"What happened to dad?" I question.

"I don't know for sure yet but it sounds like he's going to jail for a while." She says and I breath a sigh of relief knowing that he can't hurt me anymore.

"When can I come to Hawkins?"

"I already got it figured out. This Thursday you and Aunt Susan are gonna get on a plane early in the morning and you're gonna come home to us, okay baby?" She explains and I start to think. It's Tuesday and that's a couple of days away.

"Okay. I can't wait."

"Me neither baby. I'm so sorry this has been happening to you, I had no idea. I'm gonna make sure it never happens again." She responds doing her best to reassure me.

"Thank you." I smile. Thinking about how for the first time in a long time a genuine smile is on my mouth. I finally get to go home and I'll never have to see my father again.

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