Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

My head whisked over my shoulders, scanning the corridor for any nosy spectators that may have veered onto this skirt of the manor. Anxiety heightened my nerves, and my chest trembled with fear of getting caught. Footsteps made of hesitance resonated through the isolated corridor, and with each step, the timid strides grew more hurried. My eyes frantically took in my surroundings as my legs rushed with urgency. Upon reaching my destination, my body momentarily stilled as I stood on the opposite side of the door that led to Dean's bedroom.

After Dean had revealed that there may be others searching to harm Laura, my restless mind didn't spare me from the grim thoughts that would often invade my senses. I decided to take matters into my own hands and find anything that could help soothe the agonizing worry. I knew that Dean's office held the most thorough information, but I was only permitted to enter his office when he specifically demanded my presence. Apart from that, I was not allowed to go near his office—the guards and Sophia made sure of it.

It was then I came up with the plan to search through Dean's room. Dean and I shared the corridor, with bedroom just down the hall from my own. I waited until after breakfast, when I was certain that Dean had left the manor and Sophia was nowhere in sight, to head up with the guise that I was retiring to my bedroom.

Casting one last glance down the corridor, I pushed open the door and rushed into the room, shutting the door harsher than I intended. I heeded the difference in size compared to my own room as Dean's room was significantly larger. Two chandeliers swayed gently from the ceiling, emitting light into the otherwise dark room. A glimpse of sunlight slipped pass the heavy drapes that sheathed the lofty frame. Double sofas along with other pieces of furniture furnished the width of room.

Across the room, a marble fireplace was set against the wall. Sculptured designs and shapes embellished its mantel, and my eyes strained to get a closer look at the amazing technique. Above the fireplace, rested a vast canvas. A nameless figure stood in the painting with only his back visible. Flames of fire blazed around him, drowning out his surroundings. He stood facing a mirror full of uneven cracks, as some of the glass fell from its frame and strewn across the floor and vanity— the mirror shattered beyond recognition. A single candle sat on the vanity, barely holding on to its flame against the unruly blaze.

My eyes fell on the canopy king size bed that sat centered in the room. Thick veils flaunted from the canopy, tied securely to the bed posters, and delicately swept against the floorboard. A blood red silk comforter adorned with golden embroidery cloaked the bed. I noted the freshness of the bed, free of wrinkles and creases as if it had went untouched. Unawarely, my gaze lingered on the bed, and a coldness traveled throughout my body. I quickly averted my gaze and concentrated on the task at hand.

Carefully, I began searching through Dean's things, conscious of everything that I touched to make certain that it is returned to its identical state. As I maneuvered through the room, my eyes shifted to and from the door with vigilance, as if expecting the door knob to turn at any second. A half an hour quickly flew by, and I found nothing. There's wasn't a single piece of information regarding Laura here. To my confusion, neither was there a single thing that could tell me more about Dean as well. Unlike a normal bedroom, Dean's room held no secrets. It was like an open book, nothing more than what met the eye; which was definitely unlike Dean.

Realizing I had past the limit of time spent in the bedroom, I was just about to give up and leave when I noticed the bookshelf across the room. It resembled the bookshelf inside Dean's office, with the only exception being the vague difference in size. As I drew closer, my eyes landed on a small wooden chest perched on one of the shelves. The chest oddly felt out of place against the primitive books and trinkets. At first glance it was practically invisible, or perhaps I was just searching for something more, which led my attention to be drawn to the chest. Whatever the reason, I was curious to know what was concealed inside.

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