Lauren turned and dropped feet first off the couch. She hesitantly took Normani's hand, latching onto the woman's pinky and ring finger.

Ally slipped off the couch and followed the two down the hallway.

"Okay, Ally, you can use the hall bathroom, and I'll take Lauren to mine. You can come find us when you're done."

Normani continued down the hall to her and Dinah's bedroom. She quietly led Lauren through the room and into the en-suite bathroom, careful not to wake her wife.

"I go," Lauren said as she released Normani's hand and ran into the bathroom herself.

Normani waited just outside the door until the girl called her in.

Lauren pouted at the sink. "I no weach." She raised her arms above her head in attempt to reach the faucet, but even on her tippy toes she couldn't reach.

"I got you, Lauren," Normani said as she carefully picked the girl up and ran the faucet for her.

After Lauren had dried her hands, they walked back through the bedroom. Normani stopped to laugh at the sight of her wife passed out in bed.

Dinah had rolled over onto her side, and her hair was splayed wildly over the pillow and over her face.

"Miss 'inah, she, she um, Sim'a," Lauren said quietly.

Normani stopped in her tracks. "Dinah looks like Simba?"

Lauren nodded excitedly. She shook her head wildly and messed her hair up with her hands so that it completely covered her face and stuck out at odd ends. "Like Sim'a."

"'m not Simba," Dinah mumbled sleepily. "You're Simba."

Lauren tilted her head to side before she looked up at the older woman with a confused frown on her face. She pointed at her chest with a finger. "I Lauren." (It still sounded like Lo-in, and Normani thought it was adorable.)

Normani shook her head and smiled fondly. "Come on, Lauren. Let's go find Ally and figure out something for lunch."

Ally was waiting for them in the hall by the master bedroom door.

"You could have come in," Normani said gently.

Ally bit her lip and shrugged. "Didn't want to wake Miss Dinah. What if she got mad?"

"Well, Dinah can be a grump, but she wouldn't have been mad at you if you woke her up," Normani promised as the walked toward the kitchen. She would not point out that if she herself had woken the younger woman up, Dinah would have been annoyed. She wouldn't hear the end of it. "What do you guys think about peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for lunch?" she asked as they entered the kitchen.

Ally nodded. "I like them. Lauren does too."

Lauren nodded eagerly. "Like dem," she agreed.

Normani helped the two into chairs at the table and then went to make them both plates. After making the sandwiches, she grabbed a container of strawberries and a bottle of juice from the fridge. She put a couple pieces of the fruit on both plates, and then took them over to the girls and set them down on the table. She then went and filled two straw lid cups with juice and gave those to the girls, too.

"Thank you, Miss Normani," Ally said shyly before she started to eat.

Laure had already started eating, her cheeks already stained with juice from a strawberry.

"You can call me 'Mani', if you want," Normani stated. "And you can just say 'Dinah' when you're talking to Dinah, too."

Ally just shrugged and looked down at her plate.

Normani simply smiled to herself. That would be a work in progress, then.

Dinah entered the kitchen not long after, covering her mouth as she yawned. She walked over to the fridge and opened it. "I don't know what I'm looking for to be honest," she mumbled after staring at the fridge for ten seconds.

"That would be because you're still half asleep," Normani answered with a soft laugh. "Get an apple or something until you know what you want."

Dinah grabbed an apple as suggested and shut the fridge. She pulled a glass from a cabinet and filled it with ice and water and then sat at the table next to Lauren.

"You Sim'a," Lauren said to Dinah.

"Well, then you're Nala."

Lauren shook her head. "No. I Lauren."

Dinah smiled softly and shook her head. "We're gonna work on understanding nicknames, kid."


A/N: Hopefully you enjoyed, let me know what you think!

Ideas and suggestions are always welcomed.

See you in the next update. :)

Post edit: this ended so abruptly, I'm so sorry about that lmao

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