Imagine #26 Chaeryeong 💃🏻 X Female Reader

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You have always aspired to be a dancer for years and train with a big company. You finally got accepted into JYP Entertainment as a new backup dancer for girl groups. ITZY, Twice and NMIXX. You have always been a big fan of ITZY. You have always admired Chaeryeong and had a crush on her. She's always been a dance inspiration to you. She's the best dancer in the world in your eyes. You can't believe your dream has come true. Dancing for JYP and meeting famous idols. You are very excited to start but nervous as well a bit. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for you so you couldn't say no. Could you? You finally get to meet the girl who inspired you to dance. Lee Chaeryeong. You just can't wait to get started

It's your first day at JYP today as a dancer. You are ready and raring to go as you've dreamed about this for so long. All your life you have and you cannot wait for it to happen. You hope everyone is so kind and welcoming at JYP. Especially Chaeryeong if you meet her. You woke up early as you couldn't get back off to sleep after feeling jittery and excitable for a while. You wake up and have breakfast with your family before your dad gives you a lift part way into the city to get the bus to the JYP studio. The choreographer told you to go straight into the main reception desk at the studio. You arrived just on time for your first day as a JYP dancer. You go in and catch a glimpse of two Stray Kids members Han and Felix as you walk in. They just walked past you and you could not believe it. You waited at the entrance to be directed in. You meet a couple of new dancers too. You couldn't help but think, you are in the same building as so many famous idols. You met JYP himself too when you auditioned but often he's not always at the company. The choreographer introduces herself and you start dancing. For the first few weeks you won't be dancing with the groups just with your fellow dancers and choreographers. It will be fun anyway. You can't complain aa you've finally landed your dream

Halfway through the day, you get a lunch break so you go to the cafeteria at the JYP studio. You go and get something to eat. You were hungry after sweating a lot dancing. You already see a few members of Twice waiting in line but you were too shy to go up to them as they are so famous. You get what you want and go and find a table. You wanted to sit with the other dancers but they all seemed pretty friendly with each other. You have just seen ITZY walk in. All of them together. Chaeryeong wasn't far from you. Obviously it was the wrong time to approach her. You needed to eat and not get distracted by your crush. You eat and then take a walk outside and get some fresh air while you have 15 minutes spare. You go to the gardens at the back of the building. Just as you were about to go inside, to your surprise Chaeryeong walks out. "Hello" she smiles. "Hi, Chaeryeong" you say. "You a new dancer?" she asks. "Yes I am. It's my first day. It's a pleasure to meet you" you blush. "Yeah nice to meet you too" she said. "I'm-I'm Y/ N" you say. "That's a pretty name, Y/ N" Chaeryeong smiles. "Chaeryeong, you have always been an inspiration to me" you say. "Oh really? Have I?" she blushes. "Yes you have. You add truly amazing" you smile. "Thank you. That means a lot to me" she blushes. "Wait I should be getting back now for more rehearsals" you say. "Well it was nice meeting you, Y/ N. I'm sure I'll see you around soon" Chaeryeong said. "Yes you will. Finally I get to live my dream" you say. "You do" she giggles. You go back inside and Chaeryeong says again. "Oh and Y/ N, you don't have to sit alone. You're always welcome to sit with me and the girls if you want. I know it can be daunting when you go to a new place where you don't know anyone"". "Thank you" you reply. You go back in with a big smile on your face. You just met your idol and inspiration Lee Chaeryeong and she was so nice and sweet. Just how you imagined her to be. You can't wait to bump into her again

You have been at JYP for more than a month now and you are getting to know Chaeryeong well and the ITZY girls as well as a few other idols. You were shy when it came to getting to know Twice but you held a conversation with Dahyun and Tzuyu for a while and you are friends with them now. Chaeryeong and you are hanging out and spending time together after rehearsals tonight. You are now a backup dancer for ITZY now you've been there a few weeks. It's so fun and exciting all this. Chaeryeong and you are going out for dinner. You realised that you both like Italian food so you are going to an Italian restaurant. This is not really a date and just hanging out as friends but you like to think of it as a date with Chaeryeong since you know you have a crush on her but she doesn't know that yet. You had enough time to go home and get showered, find an outfit and do your hair and makeup before leaving for the restaurant. You wear baggy jeans with a belt, a top and a blazer. Shoes you just wore sneakers which is funny as you were dancing to ITZY's song Sneakers earlier with them. You waited outside for Chaeryeong to arrive. A car pulls up outside and she gets out. "Hey" she smiles. "Hello" you smile. Your eyes were fixated on her and how pretty she looks tonight. "You look so much different, Y/ N, I didn't recognise you at first" Chaeryeong said. "Do I?" you laugh. "Yes but you look very pretty of course" she smiles. Both of you go inside and find a table before looking at the menus. You and Chaeryeong talk about your day and other things too of course. Not just your day. Both of you order pizza as it's primarily a pizza restaurant. You make eye contact with Chae. It was nice to see her outside the studio. A different vibe but she is still so sweet and pretty in our out the studio. Chae and you enjoy your pizzas and each other's company of course. You were together about two hours. You are about to pay the cheque so you get hud wallet out. "Y/ N, I'll pay for you" Chaeryeong said. "No no I like to pay for myself" you reply. "Please I want to. I have more than you. You should save while you can. You are a friend now too and friends should treat one another" she said. "Thank you, Chaeryeong. You are honestly the sweetest person I've met. That's why I li.... Ummm get on with you so well" you smile. You didn't want to tell her that you like her so soon. So Chaeryeong pays for the meal and you both go outside together and wait to be picked up after your meal. Tonight you enjoyed going out with Chaeryeong even though it wasn't a proper date. In your dreams it was

Chaeryeong and you are getting closer. You have been a dancer at JYP for 3 months now about and it's going very well. You are living your dream. You're a dancer now. Chae and you are good friends now. But you don't knit I've she feels the same way as you. You haven't told her that you have feelings for her. You know that she cares for you a lot. You have invited Chaeryeong over to your place tonight for a movie night and a takeaway. You can't wait to have Chaeryeong over at your apartment this evening. It's Saturday so it's a perfect time to hangout and stay up late. Chaeryeong and you will watch as many movies as you want. You told her she can sleep on the couch if it gets late. You are getting drinks and snacks ready for when Chaeryeong arrives. She's picking up the food on her way from the takeaway. You have got drinks and snacks in for you and Chae and you can't wait to watch movies together tonight. Soon there we a knock on your door and it was Chaeryeong. "Hey" she exclaims. "Hey, you with the food" I reply. "Ohhhh yes. I'm starving. Let's not waste time" she said. "No definitely not" I reply. "Can we eat on the couch while we watch a movie?" she asks. "Sure what should we watch first" you say. "Anything. I like any movies but especially romance ones" she said. "Yes me too" you smile. You decided on a nice romantic movie and went with a classic Notting Hill. You both have never seen it before so it's about time you see it. You both tuck into your takeaways on the couch and try not to spill it everywhere. You got distracted by Chae next to you because she was looking so fine tonight but you didn't tell her that. You eat your takeaway food and have some snacks and drinks after. "I'll clear away" Chae says. "Thanks" you smile. She comes back and sits closer next to you. "It's a good movie" she smiles. "Yeah it is" I smile. You and Chaeryeong finish watching Notting Hill and then you choose another romcom. It was her choice and she went with Isn't It Romantic. Chae has seen it before but she said it was good and wanted to see it again. You both watch the movie but she gets a little sleepy and starts nodding off. You couldn't help but think how cute Chaeryeong was right now. So cute indeed. You were smiling as she was nodding off to sleep. Chaeryeong wakes up after falling asleep. "Sorry I'm missing the movie" she yawns. "It's okay. You're tired. Busy week" you say. "Yes you could say so" Chae said. You blush. You watch another movie after even though you were both feeling tired and on the verge of falling asleep. You both just about mange too stay awake for the end of the movie. Chaeryeong lets out a big yawn. "Sorry" she laughs. "It's fine" I laugh. "Mind if I crash here for the night" she said. "Of course not. I said you could" I smile. "Thanks, Y/ N. I've brought sone things with me" she says. "Chae, there's something I need to say to you" I say. "Go on. What?" Chaeryeong replies. "No it's okay it can wait till morning. We are both tired so let's go to sleep" I say. "Okay Goodnight, Y/ N" Chae said. I smile. I head to my room and Chaeryeong sleeps on the couch. What a great night you two had?

The next morning you and Chaeryeong don't get up till later. But you didn't mind as it is a Sunday. You get up and take a shower first like you do in the morning before going into the kitchen for breakfast. Chaeryeong was waking up on the couch. She yawned and sit up when she saw you. "Good morning" she said. "Good morning"
you reply. "I didn't hear you get up" she said. "I must've been quiet as a mouse" you reply. Chae joins you in the kitchen. "Breakfast?" you asks. "Yes please" she replies. You get Chaeryeong some cereal for breakfast and you sit down at the table with her. Confessing was still on your mind. "So, Y/ N. What were you going to say to me last night before we went to bed?" Chae says. "Oh no it doesn't matter. It can wait till another time" you say. "Y/ N, just tell me please and I can maybe help you" she said. "No it's nothing like that. I need to confess something to you, Chaeryeong" you say. "Okay. Do it?" She says. You look into her eyes and say "Well i don't want this to sound weird but I have feelings for you, Chaeryeong. I think you are the sweetest and prettiest girl I've never seen and I'm falling for you" I say. She was lost for words and didn't know what to say. "Y/ N, I care about you a lot. Maybe I feel the same. I don't know what kinda people I'm attracted to but you're really sweet and yeah we really connected" Chaeryeong said. "So you're trying to say you feel the same" you say. "Perhaps. Yes me and you have become close" Chae said. "When you fell asleep last night. It was honestly so cute. You melted my heart" you smile. "Did I?" she giggles. "Yes you did. You are now" you say. Chaeryeong didn't know what to say next so you pulled her in and kiss her. "No one has to know about this" she said softly. "Nope our little secret" you say. "Y/ N, I think you are truly amazing" Chae said. "You are too, Chaeryeong" you say. "I don't think I'm confused anymore. I like you" she said. That made you smile a lot. So this could mean something for you and Chaeryeong. You both definitely like each other a lot

A/ N: I thought this was a cute ideas guys. Chae and female reader. Super cute ending. I might do another Chae imagine next when i update. Love her so much, she's amazing. Her sister Chaeyeon is making her solo debut next week. Yayyyyy

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