Imagine #9 Yeji X Jungkook 🖤

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This imagine is kinda based on Swipe

Yeji and Jungkook have been in a relationship for a while. Almost two years now they have been dating. Their relationship is known to the public. It got leaked once and they couldn't control it. Yeji feels like their relationship has depleted in the last couple of months. She is thinking of ending her relationship with Jungkook but she know he won't be happy. Sometimes Yeji just wants to be left alone. He calls her way too much when she is so busy. She tells him to back off. Jungkook doesn't like being told that. He keeps on nagging Yeji especially when booty calls are involved. Maybe that's the only reason why he wants to stay with her. Yeji needs to think long and hard about where this relationship is going

Yeji is at home with the girls after a long day of practice. They have notice a change in her behaviour since things started to go wrong with Jungkook. She keeps on blowing it off and acting like things are okay. Sometimes she doesn't want to eat with the girls. Yeji has her AirPods in when there is a knock on her door it was Chaeryeong informing her that dinner is ready. "Yeji, dinner is ready" she said. She didn't hear her so she tried again. "Yeji, unnie. Are you in there?" Chaeryeong said. She opens the door a minute later. "Yeji, dinner is ready" she said. "Okay" Yeji yawns. She goes into the dinner and gets severed. Yeji was going to go back in her room and eat. "Why do you want to always eat alone, Yeji?" Ryujin asks. "I don't know" Yeji replies. "Eat with us please. It's not the same without you" Yuna said. "Okay" Yeji replies. They persuade her to sit with them and have dinner. Yeji stays silent at the dinner table. "Yeji, why are you so quiet? What's wrong?" Lia asks. "I'm okay. Just tired" she replies. "You're acting so different lately, unnie" Chaeryeong said. "You're not the same, Yeji. We all are worried about you" Lia said. "I'm okay, guys. Just been busy haven't we" Yeji said. "As long as your okay" Yuna smiles. "You can tell us anything, Unnie. Please don't keep anything from us, your sisters" Ryujin said. Yeji just didn't want to tell them her troubles with Jungkook at that moment in time. She didn't want to ruin the dinner moment

The girls are still concerned about Yeji as she left the table as soon as she had eaten. Chaeryeong walks into her and Yeji's shared form to find her laying in her bed doing nothing. Chae sits on her bed and says "Yeji, tell us what is wrong please. We all know you are not yourself". "I don't want to say, Chae" Yeji said. "What is it? Something to do with Jungkook I guess. Are you pregnant or is he cheating on you? I don't trust that guy" Chaeryeong said. "Neither of those things. You guesses it's him so I have to tell you. I'm not sure I want to be with him anymore. I'm having second thoughts about our relationship" Yeji said. "Why? What's so bad that has happened?" Chae interrupts. "He can just be annoying and nagging me all the time when I tell him I want space and time to myself. He wants late night booty calls too. I'm afraid that's all he sees me as. Just for sex and fun but I don't want that. I thought I loved Jungkook and I thought he loved me" Yeji sobs. Chaeryeong listens to her. "Well, Yeji. You need to tell him how you feel. If you don't want fo be with him and you're not happy anymore. You need to" she says. "But, Chaeryeong it's not always that simple. You don't get where I'm coming from" Yeji said. "I do. I'm always here for you, Yeji and the other girls are too" Chae smiles. "I know" Yeji smiles. They told Lia, Ryujin and Yuna and they are always here for Yeji

Yeji has finally found the courage to tell Jungkook that she doesn't want to be with him anymore. She has had a long hard think about it and talked to the girls as well and she's finally going to do it. Tell him how she feels about their relationship. Yeji is nervous to tell him as she doesn't know how he'll react. The girls wish her luck in telling him. Yeji is just going to show up unexpectedly at Jungkook's place and tell him there. She is on her way now. At least he lives on his own so there shouldn't be anyone around. She arrives at his front door and rings the doorbell and waits for him to answer. Jungkook opens the door and looks surprised to see Yeji. "Hey, babe. What's up?" he said. "Jungkook, we need to talk" she said. "Okay come in" he said. Yeji and Jungkook sit on the couch. "We need to have a serious talk about things. There is a lot on my mind" she said. "Okay like what?" Jungkook questions. "I've been thinking a lot lately, Jungkook and I think our relationship has changed. I'm sorry but I don't want to be with you anymore" Yeji said. "What do you mean? Are you seeing someone else?" he yells. "No no. I just need space sometimes and you don't seem to understand that. Our relationship was great to begin with but I don't know what's happened now. Kook, I feel like you take advantage of me sometimes and only want one thing and I don't want that from you" Yeji said. "But baby girl, I love you" Jungkook said. "I'm not your baby girl anymore. Jungkook, I thought I loved you too but I think that love has gone now. If you really want a real relationship then stop treating me like that" Yeji says with a tear in her eye. "Yeji, I'm so sorry. I didn't know you felt that way. Loads of couples are like that but I understand I'll back off for a bit" Jungkook said. "I'm done with your shit, Jeon Jungkook. I need sometime. Please just leave me alone" Yeji said. She looks at him and he doesn't say a word. She leaves his apartment. Yeji felt very brave for doing that. Lia was waiting outside for her and she ran to her. "I did it but he didn't take it very well" Yeji said. "Well done, girl. You are so brave. I'm so proud of you" Lia smiled. They go home but Yeji did feel bad for what happened but at least she did it

It's been a few weeks since Yeji told Jungkook that she didn't want to be with him anymore. She finished it with him big part of her regrets doing it. Maybe she's regretting not having Jungkook in her life. He was being too overbearing and annoying so maybe it's a good job she let him go. The girls think she did the right thing by letting Jungkook go. He has been texting her begging for forgiveness but Yeji hasn't replied. She is still thinking about what to do. Yeji and the girls are at home waiting for a food delivery for dinner. It was Yeji's choice tonight. The doorbell goes and Lia comes to the door but it wasn't the delivery man, it was Jungkook. "Hey. Is Yeji around?" he said. "Why are you here, Jungkook? Didn't Yeji tell you she didn't want anything to do with you" Lia said. "She did but I just want to take to her for a minute" he said. Lia rolls her eyes and walks away. Yeji sees Jungkook and goes to the door. "You've been ignoring my messages. I want to make sure everything is okay" he said. "Jungkook, what did I say. You've ignored my words by that" Yeji said. "Sorry, Yeji. I just want another chance. I realise now that I can't live without you. I'm sorry if I did a few wrong things in our relationship but I love you. I fucking love you" Jungkook said. "Jungkook, I need time to think again. Maybe I do regret breaking up with you a but you need to understand there are boundaries. Okay" Yeji said. "Okay. I'll leave you. Bye" Jungkook said turning around and walking away. He left just at the right time as the delivery came. Yeji rolls her eyes and sighs. "Don't worry, unnie. He will realise what he did was a mistake soon" Yuna said. "I hope so" she said. "Let's eat. This will take your mind off it" Chaeryeong said. The girls sit down at the table and eat. Yeji could've done without Jungkook just showing up like that unexpectedly begging to want her back. She will think about it

Yeji thinks she wants to make things right with Jungkook but she isn't sure if she can trust him again after the way he treated her before. Maybe she should trust him and give him another chance. The girls don't like Jungkook. They think he is a dick and treated Yeji like shit. They told Yeji, it's her decision. Yeji calls Jungkook on the phone. It takes several times for her to get through to him as he didn't answer. "Yeji" he said. "Kook, can we talk? I'm sorry for everything" she said. "Sure" he replies. "Well like I said I'm so sorry for everything I said" Yeji said. "Yeji, I miss you and I was hoping you would call asking for my forgiveness. I still love you. You know that" Jungkook said. "You do?" she replies. "Yes of course I do" he said. "Maybe I should give you another chance but on one occasion, you give me my space when I need it and not be too annoying and overbearing. If you really love me, Jungkook then you'd do that" Yeji said. "Okay I could promise that but I'm coming to see you first" Jungkook said. "Okay don't let the girls see you. They are already mad at me" Yeji said. Jungkook hangs up and goes to see Yeji. He arrives a while later. She sneaks outside so the girls don't hear as it's late at night. "Hey" he said. "Hey" she replies. "I have missed you, Yeji" Jungkook said. "Missed your too, Kookie. I'm sorry" she replies. "I'm sorry for being a bad bad boyfriend" he said. "It's okay I've put that behind me now" Yeji said. "So can we go back to being us" Jungkook said. Yeji smiles and nods. They share a passionate kiss outside before Jungkook leaves. So Yeji and Jungkook are back to being them now

A/ N: hope you liked a YeKook imagine, yes I do ship them. They make a great couple. I made it quite angsty but with a nice ending

Next a Yuna imagine with a member of Cravity

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