Imagine #16 Yuna X Haruto 🥰

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This imagine is kinda based on Darari by  Treasure

Yuna and Haruto have known each other for a while. Haruto has feelings for Yuna but he doesn't know if she reciprocates those feelings back. Haruto is very flirty with Yuna but she plays hard to get. She is not looking for a relationship or anything at the moment she tells herself. She is too busy for anything like that. Haruto wants Yuna a lot. She likes him as a friend though but nothing more at the moment. Maybe she will change her mind down the line and want Haruto as much as he wants her

Yuna has decided to go to the gym on Saturday, her day off and weekend of course. She tries to keep on top of exercising when she's not busy with her job and life. Yuna likes going to the gym on her day off. Sometimes with the girls or friends but most of the time on her own. She doesn't mind going on her own. Yuna has just finished an hour and a half workout at the gym. She is about to leave and go home to get a shower. She goes to the women's changing rooms to get her things from the locker. Yuna splashed her face with water and dries before leaving too. She grabs her things and leaves. On her way out, she sees Haruto coming in. She couldn't go the other way as he was coming right towards her. "Yuna" Haruto said. "Haruto" Yuna smiles. "You've just sent working out?" he asks. "Yes don't look so surprised. I work out. Quite regularly actually" Yuna replies. "Cool. I'm trying to do the same" Haruto smiles awkwardly. He does her awkward around Yuna that's because he really likes her. They talk for a couple of minutes outside the gym. "Yuna, I think we should be in touch more. You know maybe hangout sometime" Haruto said not really knowing what else to say. "Yeah if we can find time that is" Yuna replies. "Well I will for you" he said. "Anyway it was nice seeing you, Haruto" she said touching his shoulder gently. Haruto gave a warm smile to Yuna. I guess they will find time to see each other and hangout if they can

Yuna and Haruto have been talking a bit more since bumping into each other. She is trying not to fall off him but he's already fallen for her a long time ago. Haruto is very flirty around Yuna. They are meeting tonight for dinner but just dinner as friends. They will see how it goes. Haruto will no doubt be very flirty with Yuna tonight. She may feel awkward. Yuna is getting ready to go out now. Lia walks into the bathroom. The door was open. "Where are you going? You're getting dressed up" she asked. "Just out" Yuna replies. "Who are you seeing? A guy" Lia said. Yuna looks at her and shrugs her shoulders. "So who are you seeing?" Lia asks again. "Why do I have to tell you?" she said. "Hmmmm let me guess. Is it Haruto?" Lia said. "Yeah it is but it's not what you think. We are just friends" Yuna said. "Okay have fun" Lia smirked walking out of the bathroom. Yuna was ready soon and gets a cab to where she is meeting Haruto. Lia will no doubt tell the other girls who Yuna is seeing. They are just looking out for her. Haruto is already inside sitting at the table waiting for Yuna. "Hey" he smiles. "Hi" Yuna said. Haruto smiles and hugs her before she sits down. "What can I get you to drink?" he asks. "A lemonade is good please" Yuna replies. "Come on be a bit more daring" Haruto said. "No I'm fine with just that. I don't even like the taste of alcohol to be honest" she said. Haruto goes to the bar to get a drink for Yuna. He gets her drink and then they look at the menu and order food soon. They giggle a bit while they are waiting for their food. Yuna is getting texts from the girls but she doesn't reply. Lia must've spilled the beans

Yuna and Haruto still continue to enjoy their date and have a nice time. Yuna is still trying not to fall off Haruto but maybe she is falling a bit. "You are funny, Haruto" she laughs. "Huh I know and handsome and charming too of course" Haruto replies. Yuna laughs nearly choking on her drink. He is a very flirty and charming guy is Watanabe Haruto. Haruto would've spent all night with Yuna if he had the choice but she wanted to get back. "Why do you have to leave so soon? I am having a great time with you and don't want it to end" Haruto said looking into Yuna's eyes. "I had a really nice time with you, Haruto. I honestly did but I should be getting home now" Yuna said. "Okay I understand. We will go out again soon" Haruto said. He wanted to grab her by the waist and pull her in for a kiss but he didn't think it was appropriate. Yuna got in a cab to go home. The girls were around when she got home. "So how did it go?" Yeji asks as soon as she walked through the door. "Good" Yuna replies. "You like him? Huhhhh" Chaeryeong said. "We are just friends" Yuna said. "Are you sure?" Lia said. "Awe baby Yuna is in love" Ryujin laughs. "No guys. Leave me alone. I'm going to bed. Haruto and I just went out as friends. We are not dating. I told Lia unnie that" Yuna said. "You did. Sorry I might have told everyone" Lia said. Yuna didn't look happy. She was just tired. Maybe she is falling for Haruto after all. Maybe she can't help herself

Yuna and Haruto are getting closer. She is trying not to fall for him but she can't help herself now. She might just be falling for Haruto but she is still playing hard to get still. She is playing hard to get because she likes him now. Yuna thought Haruto was a bit of a dick at first but not now. She's changed her opinion of him. Yuna doesn't know that, Haruto is waiting outside the JYP studio for her today. He wants to take her somewhere but he doesn't know where he wants to take her. They might just end up going somewhere random. Yuna and the girls are about to finish for the day now. They are ready to get home for the evening. They go and get their stuff before leaving. Lia, Ryujin and Chaeryeong were lagging behind so Yuna left with Yeji. Haruto was waiting around the corner for Yuna. He jumps out and scares her. "Boo!!". "Haruto, Jesus Christ. You frightened the life out of me" Yuna said. "And me too" Yeji said. "Sorry, girls" he said. "Anyway what are you doing here eh?" Yuna asks. "Just thought it would be nice to surprise you after you've been working so hard" Haruto said. Yuna smiles. "I'll leave you two" Yeji smirks walking away. Yuna and Haruto start talking about the day. "So where should we go? What should we do?" Haruto said. "I don't mind. Whatever you want" she smiles. "We should get food of course" he smiles. Yuna agrees. They get a cab into town and find somewhere to eat. Haruto was pretty hungry so he wanted to eat soon. "Do you fancy sushi?" he asks. "Yes that's fine. I'm not fussed" Yuna replies. So they find a nice sushi place to grab something to eat. Sushi is Haruto's home cuisine. Yuna likes it too. They have never eaten it together though. They make good eye contact and use body language throughout the evening. Haruto devoured the sushi as soon as it came to the table. He gets flirty with Yuna too

Yuna and Haruto decide to go somewhere else after the sushi place. They go back in a cab to the ITZY place. He wanted to make sure Yuna got home safely. The cab dropped them off outside. "I enjoyed that" Yuna said. "Yes me too. So very much" Haruto replied. There then was an awkward silence between them for a minute. "Yuna" Haruto said. "Yes, Haruto" she smiles. "I'm crazy about you" he said. "You are" she replies. "Yes of course I am. I'm surprised you don't know that. I've always had a thing for you" he said. Yuna didn't know what else to say. She blushes and goes red in the face. "Excuse me, miss. I L-O-V-E Y-O-U" Haruto said. "Love how you just referenced your own song" Yuna said. "Oh yeah. I think we should you know start seeing each other. Like be boyfriend and girlfriend" Haruto said. "Are you sure that's a good idea, Ruto?" she asks. "Yeah of course. We don't have to tell anyone" he said. "Alright yeah. I think I'm falling for you. I try to stop myself but I don't think it's working. I've- I've fallen for you, Watanabe Haruto" Yuna said. "See I knew you had fallen for me. I just knew it" Haruto said. "Yes. Not shy, not me" Yuna laughs. "See you're referencing your own song now too. You're so funny, babe" he said. They both laugh in unison. Haruto follows Yuna into the ITZY house. They both stand by the kitchen and lounge and look at each other. "Sounds like the girls are asleep so we have this place to ourselves" Yuna said. "I was just about to ask" Haruto said looking into her eyes. They start kissing which turns into making out on the couch. They tried not to be too loud as they didn't want the girls to hear. It was just making out then Haruto left. Nothing more. This is just the start of Yuna and Haruto. She was bound to fall for him

A/ N; wow! Guys I ship Yuna and Haruto together so much. They would make a perfect couple. I think Haruto is the type of guy to be flirty around girls. I don't know him irl so I could be wrong. I think they would make a great couple anyway. I Haruto's line from Darari as its iconic and a great song. Don't think it's weird that I ship idols because I do

Next up is my girl Chae with a TXT member. Stay tuned

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