Imagine #17 Chaeryeong X Taehyun 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨

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This imagine is kinda based on Magic by TXT

Chaeryeong and Taehyun have been dating for nearly a year. They are really happy together and are thinking about their future together as a couple. They both bonded over their love of children. Chaeryeong has a part time babysitting job and Taehyun sometimes helps out. They both love children so much and can't wait to have their own one day in the future. Chae and Tae will definitely get married in the future they think. She loves babysitting for the two families she's babysitting for and Taehyun loves it too. Chaeryeong and Taehyun are definitely meant to be

Chaeryeong and Taehyun are babysitting tonight for the Nam family. They have two little girls called Joohyun who is 4 and Miyoung who is 2. Chae loves both the little girls. Taehyun has met them a couple of times too and they played princess games with him which he enjoyed a lot. They are on their way now to babysit the girls for a couple of hours. Chaeryeong has bought some new toys for Joohyun and Miyoung. She is always spoiling them. Their parents tell her not to. "They might dress me up and do my makeup again" Taehyun said. "Yes they might which would be cute and funny" Chae smiles. They arrived at the Nam family home soon and knock on the door. Mr Nam answered. "Hello, Chaeryeong, Taehyun. Come in" he said. "Hi, Mr Nam" Chaeryeong said. "Hi" Taehyun smiled. The parents left a few minutes later leaving Chaeryeong and Taehyun in charge of the girls. "So girls. What should we do?" Chae asks. "Hungry" Joohyun replies. "Should we get you done food" Taehyun said. She nods her head. Mr and Mrs Nam had left something out for the girls to have to eat. They were going to feed them before they left but ran out of time. The girls are having dumplings to eat for dinner. Chaeryeong and Taehyun had something to eat before they came. Joohyun and Miyoung eat and then sit in front of the TV. "Chaeryeong" Joohyun said. "Yes, sweetie" she replies. "You're so pretty. Can you be my mommy?" Joohyun said. "Joohyun, you're so pretty too. You're prettier than me. I'm okay. You have a mommy who loves you and I love you too" Chaeryeong smiles. Joohyun gives her a big hug. The girls watch their favourite cartoon Octonauts. Chaeryeong and Taehyun sit with them and watch it. The girls got tired after about 30 minutes. Mr and Mrs Nam says it's their bath time tonight so they give them a bath. Joohyun and Miyoung were too tired to give Taehyun a princess makeover this time. Maybe next time. Taehyun fills the bath while Chae gets the girls ready for bath time. "Who's ready for bath time?" Chaeryeong said. "Me" little Miyoung said. When the bath was filled, the girls get undressed and get in. Chaeryeong sings to them as they bathe. After bath time was story time and then bedtime for Joohyun and Miyoung. Chaeryeong and Taehyun waited till their parents were back

Chaeryeong and Taehyun stayed a while till Mr and Mrs Nam came back. They couldn't leave the girls in their beds on their own. They watched something on TV for about 10 minutes and then they both got sleepy and fell asleep together on the couch with their arms around each other. They were startled and woken up when the door opened and Mr and Mrs Nam walked in. They came in quietly as the girls are asleep. "Tae, we must've fallen off to sleep" Chaeryeong said nudging Taehyun. "Oh we must've" Taehyun yawns. "Hello" Mrs Nam said opening the door and walking in quietly. "Hi" Chaeryeong yawns. "You two look sleepy" she said. "Yes we nodded off to sleep" Taehyun said. "Thank you once again for babysitting our girls. We will pay you both" Mr Nam said. "Thank you but you don't need to pay me. It's all fine" Taehyun said. "No I insist" Mr Nam said. Chaeryeong and Taehyun say Goodnight and then they leave. Taehyun is taking Chae home. They get in his car and drive to her place. He's just dropping her off not staying the night. He get out of the car when she does. Taehyun looks at Chaeryeong and he pushes her against the car. "I just love you, Lee Chaeryeong" he said. "I just love you too, Kang Taehyun" she said. Taehyun kisses Chaeryeong passionately against the car and walks her to her door and sees her into her house. They had a great night babysitting

Chaeryeong and Taehyun have been together 18 months now. It will be 2 years soon. It's their 18 month anniversary and they are celebrating. Chae still babysits for Joohyun and Miyoung who are growing up so fast now. Chaeryeong and Taehyun will start a family in the future and have babies. They can't wait to be parents in the future. They are going out tonight for their 18 month anniversary and they can't wait. Chaeryeong doesn't know where Taehyun is taking her. It's all a surprise to her but he's taking her for a romantic dinner on the beach. Taehyun is not telling her just yet. He wants it to be a surprise for Chaeryeong and it should be. Chae is getting ready at her place now and Taehyun is coming to pick her up soon. She is really excited to learn where they are going. She was ready in time for him arriving. Taehyun goes to the door and rings the doorbell. Chaeryeong opens the door with a smile on her face. "Hello, baby. You look so stunning" he smiles. "Hi, sweetie. You look so handsome" Chae replies. She steps out the doorway and he kisses her lips and they walk outside to the cab that was waiting there. "So where are we going, babe?" she asks. "Can't tell you that just yet" Taehyun replies. Chae smiles. He makes her wear a blindfold on the way there so she did. He helps her get out of the car too an walks her onto the beach. "Taehyun, I don't like this. I feel unsafe" Chaeryeong said. "Just a minute" Taehyun replies. He takes off her blindfold and Chaeryeong sees the romantic dinner table. "Happy anniversary, baby" Taehyun said. "Wow! Oh my gosh. This is so cute and romantic. Best date ever" she smiles looking at Taehyun and putting her arms around him. Like a gentleman, he pulls out the chair for her and they sit down. Taehyun couldn't take his eyes off Chaeryeong and how beautiful she looked. He can never take his eyes off his girl

Chaeryeong and Taehyun had a delicious meal on the beach. He had organised a three course meal for her and it was so delicious. Chae was so stuffed after that she couldn't move. "Dang, I'm so full I literally can't move" Chae said. "Darling, you shouldn't have been so greedy" Taehyun smirks. "Haha maybe I was a bit" she laughs. "Babe, I was joking but we do need to fatten you up a little. You're too skinny, babe" he said. Chaeryeong laughs. She blushes too. They carry on talking at the table. Taehyun has something on his mind. He is going to ask Chaeryeong to marry him. He was nervous for a few minutes and she could pick up on that. "Tae, are you okay? Are you not feeling good?" she asks. "No I'm fine. Just something I need to ask you, sweetie" Taehyun replies. "Sure" Chae smiles. Taehyun gets up and goes over to Chaeryeong and smiles at her. "Lee Chaeryeong, I love you so much. More than words can say. You are everything I have ever dreamed for in a woman and more. You are a breath of fresh air. You are like magic. Just like magic. Chaeryeong, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you do me the honours and be my wife?" Taehyun said. Chaeryeong was lost for words and she had tears in her eyes. "Taehyun, you know the answer is going to be yes. I would love to be one your wife" she said. "I love you, sweetie. Can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you" Taehyun smiles. He places the ring on her finger and smiles as kisses her

Chaeryeong and Taehyun got married 8 months after they got engaged. They have now been married about 3 and a half years. They are beautiful 2 year old twin daughters called Chaerin and Taeha. They mean the world to both Chae and Taehyun. She struggled to get pregnant for a while. They were trying for a baby for what seemed like a long time after they got married. They were thankfully blessed with two beautiful little girls who they adore so much. Chaerin and Taeha are almost identical. Even Chaeryeong and Taehyun get them mixed up from time to time. The girls are going to the play gym today to play for about an hour or so as it's a rainy and windy day so they are not going to the park. The my are about to leave now. Chaeryeong puts the twins coats on and shoes. "Are we ready, girls? Let's go have some fun" she said. Chaerin looks at her and says "Mommy". "I'm your mommy" Chae smiles. They both put the girls in the car and arrive at the play gym soon. The girls really enjoy going there. Taeha is the most outgoing twin out of the two. Chaeryeong and Taehyun sit nearby and watch their twin daughters play together. He looks at her and holds her hand. "I am so damn lucky to have the three must beautiful girls in the world" he smiles. "And I am so lucky too to have you as a husband and father of our beautiful girls. You are the best, Taehyun" Chaeryeong replies. Taehyun looks at her and smiles. They go and play with Chaerin and Taeha a bit. Taehyun is a bit of a big kid himself. So Chaeryeong and Taehyun have got what they always wanted. A family of their own

A/ N: ahhhhh I loved this imagine. Love doing ones like this. Pregnancy and babies are one of my passions, I think Chaeryeong and Taehyun would make the cutest couple. I want them to get together badly. I think they would be freaking adorable. I know I always say that about idols and ship them

Jumping to my BLACKPINK book next for a very special imagine

Guys just a questions. If I did another girl group imagine book in the future, which group would you like to see. I have a few in mind. Red Velvet, Loona, Kep1er, IZ*ONE, STAYC. Or any of the groups in my bio actually. Not saying I will just right atm but options are always open if I do

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