Imagine #4 Yeji X Hyunjin ❤️

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Yeji and Hyunjin are long lost siblings. They don't know that they are twins separated at birth. Hyunjin was given up from adoption. Yeji's mother has never told her that she had a twin brother. Hyunjin knows he's adopted but he doesn't know that Yeji is his twin sister. Yeji and Hyunjin do look a lot like each other so it's a little bit of a hint. They know each other and they are friends but they don't know they are twins. They have no idea they are twins. Both Yeji and Hyunjin should know the truth that they are siblings. The truth will come out one day

Yeji and Hyunjin are seeing each other today. They are just meeting for milkshakes and hanging out for a bit. They haven't had much time for each other lately as thru have been busy but they are spending time together now which is good. Yeji arrives at the milkshake place before Hyunjin does. He is almost there. She waits outside for him. He arrives soon and says "Hi". "Hey" I say. "Traffic errrr" he said. Yeji laughs. She finds it funny when Hyunjin complains. They go inside and get milkshakes then find somewhere to sit. "Nice to see you and spend some time with you, Yeji. We finally have time for each other" Hyunjin said. "Of course it is. Absolutely" Yeji replies. They talk and enjoy their milkshakes at the same time. Hyunjin looks at Yeji like he was about to say something important. "Yeji" he said. "Yeah" she replies. "The more I look at you, the more I see myself in you" he said. "Ah right" she smiles. "Yeji, I think we are something. Something special" he said. "Yes" Yeji said not really knowing what to say. She was a bit baffled by Hyunjin's words. Little does she know he is her twin brother. She felt a tear coming to her eye but held it back. Anyway Yeji and Hyunjin enjoyed their milkshake date today

Yeji is starting to realise something that Hyunjin and herself might be related from what he said. Maybe he knows something. A secret perhaps. Maybe he know that they are twins. Yeji wants to ask her mother some questions but she's holding back as she's scared to know the answers. She doesn't want Hyunjin to be her brother as they are growing close in that way and it would ruin things if they found out they were siblings. Yeji is laid on her bed at home trying to rest but the emotions take over her. Yeji starts crying and overthinking things. She thinks 'What if Hyunjin is actually my twin? That would be so weird and awkward and things will never be the same again'. 'Why would my mom lie to me for 21 years?' she thinks. 'Why is Hyunjin never spoken about to the family?' she also thinks. Yeji still continues to overthink and cry. She deserves to know the truth soon enough

Yeji and Hyunjin haven't seen much of each other over the last few weeks. She feels like he's avoiding her as he might know the truth about them being siblings. Yeji is scared of knowing the future but she wants to ask her mom. Yeji wakes up at 9am on a Saturday. She gets out of her bed and yawns and stretches before putting her slippers on and going downstairs. Yeji's mom was making breakfast in the kitchen. "Morning, honey" she said. "Morning, mom" Yeji yawns. Yeji sits on the kitchen table. "What's the matter, Yeji? You seem sad" her mom asks. "I'm fine" Yeji replies. "You don't seem fine" she said. Yeji's mom gives her breakfast and sits with her. "Mom, I think there is something you need to tell me that you've been keeping from me all my life" Yeji said. "Oh" her mom said. "Mom, don't act like you don't know anything. I know what you've been hiding from me" she said. "Sweetie, I was going to tell you but I didn't know how to" Yeji's mom said. "Mom, I'm 21 years old. I have a twin brother don't I who was given up at birth. I kind him" Yeji said. Her mom froze as she couldn't find the words to say. "I was going to tell you, sweetie" she said. "It's too late now. I knew from what Hyunjin was saying to be the other week that we were related somehow. How could you and dad keep something like this from me" Yeji said. Yeji's mom didn't have anything else to say. "I'm going somewhere else for a while" Yeji said. She runs upstairs in tears and pack her bags and goes. She didn't have to find out in that way. We really didn't

Yeji has been staying with a friend for the last couple of weeks since finding out the truth and falling out with her mom. She feels like she never wants to talk to her again but will eventually have to make peace with her. She can't believe she lied to her for 21 years and never told her that she has a twin brother. Hyunjin is starting to worry about Yeji as he hasn't heard from her in weeks. He wants to see her today but she isn't at home. He knows her friends brother so he knows where she is. He tries calling her but she doesn't answer. So Hyunjin decides to go to Yeji's friends house. Not seeing her brother this time. He arrives at the house and her brother lets him in. "Is Yeji still here? I need to see her" Hyunjin said. "Yeah she'll be upstairs" he replies. Hyunjin goes upstairs and knocks on the door. "Yeji, are you in there? It's me Hyunjin. I need to see you. I've been anxious about you" he said. "Yes" she says in a quiet voice. "Hey, I've been worried about you. What's going on?" he asks. "I feel really shit. I  think you know what. Hyunjin, we are twins and I think you knew" Yeji said. He pauses for a long moment. "Yes I did but I couldn't find a way to tell you" he replies. "You sound just like my mom or should I say our mom" Yeji said. "Yeji, we may be twins but I don't think you should be upset about it" Hyunjin said. "It's not about that. It's the fact my mom lied to me and never told me I had a twin" she said. Hyunjin looks at Yeji and puts his arms around her and hugs her as she cries on his shoulder. She needed a shoulder to cry on and it was her brother

Yeji carries on crying and opening up to Hyunjin about everything. "I can't believe I had to find out in this way" she said. "I know. I didn't feel like it was my place to tell you even though I knew for a while" Hyunjin said. "You shouldn't have had to tell me. My mom and dad should've told me all along" I reply. "Yeji, I can see you in me. I know I've said that before but I really can" Hyunjin said. "Yeah same" Yeji replies. Hyunjin holds her close and comforts Yeji as she is crying again. "Yeji, you are my sister and I love you. We should be brother and sister and do sibling things together" Hyunjin said. "Sure, you're my brother and I want you in my life and I'm sure you want me in your life too" Yeji said. "Yes definitely. We will be siblings  forever. Pinky promise" Hyunjin said. "Yes pinky promise" Yeji replies. Hyunjin and Yeji have a cute little sibling moment and hug. They are twins and brother and sister forever

A/ N: thought I would do an imagine where Hyunjin and Yeji are long lost twins. Thought it would be cool. They do look alike and it's scary

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