Chapter Three - A few days later

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Things had settled down a bit and began to get normal day after day. Not every bit of that incident had faded away, but I was doing much better. Mum made sure she came home early to be with me every day after school.

It was a Wednesday evening; I was going home from school. I was late. I had spent some time with Dave behind the basketball court. Daisy left early and I had to walk back home alone. The evening was dark already. My street was silent, there was no one around, I could see Television's on in some homes, some cars were missing from their parking. In front of my home, I could see a grey civic parked, I knew mom was home. I took the keys out of my pocket and I opened the front door to my home. Mom peeped from the kitchen.

"Hello Mom!" I said and placed the keys in the niche above the shoe stand.

"You are late today?" asked mom from inside the kitchen

"Yes mom! Had a little chat with my friends after school" I replied removing my shoes. I left my bag on the stair way and walked in.

"I saw Daisy get home about an hour ago. Was worried about you. I thought I will wait a bit and then give a call. I left you a couple texts, but I got no reply."

"Yea Mom, I am sorry. I was taking to Dave before his basketball practice started. I did not check my phone. Daisy had some work, so she left early." I replied

"I understand Honey but please leave me a text or inform me that you will be late the next time."

"Okay mom" I said

"hmm... wash your hands, face and feet – change and come soon honey. I have made dinner, eat it when its hot. I know it is too early but it is late for a snack."

" okay mom, You are home early today!"

"Oh yes dear. I got an email! I must attend a conference in Ottawa. I am leaving tomorrow evening and will be gone for a few days. Will it be okay for you to stay here with dad or should I drop you off at grandma's place?" my mom asked

"I'll stay here ma," I replied

"Dad will go to work in the morning and I will drop you at school, but you have to come back by yourself and stay alone at home till Dad returns, will that be okay?" asked mom again

"Yes mom, I will manage. If not, I'll stay at Daisy's house and get back home when dad comes back."

"Sure, but whatever you do keep dad informed"

"okay mom," I said and nodded my head.

I was feeling uncomfortable with the thought I was going to be alone, but I made sure it did not bother me much. I made up my mind to overcome it.

The next day, mom dropped me off at school, just as she told me. We did not talk anything on the way. The school is not very far as well. I was about to get off the car.

"Sweetie! I will be home by Friday or Saturday. Do stay safe and inform dad if you are going to your friend's place. Okay? I miss you already darling." Said my mom and kissed me.

"I sure will mom. Drive safely mom. I am going to miss you too." I said as I got off the car.

It was a long day at school, I was doing much better. I walked back home with Daisy, my best friend. She was an Italian origin Canadian, just like me. We live in the same neighborhood, precisely at the end of my lane. We grew up together and went to the same school too. We shared every little thing about our life, and I did tell her about the scary incident too. There is no such thing as secrets between us.

We were talking about an incident that happened in our school that day, as we walked back home. We were almost near to my place.

"You can come to my house if you want to." Said Daisy, she remembered the incident I told her and wanted did not want me to be alone.

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