"Good morning kitten" Taehyung said grabbing our attention. I looked at him. "Good morning Tae" I wished him back. School Victoria! Don't get distracted! "You call us a distraction?" I looked at Taehyung. The mind reading....don't forget... "Hmm shouldn't forget" Jungkook said his hand still in it's place. Let's just get to school. 

We finally made it down stairs after Seokjin came up telling us to hurry. "Good morning" I greeted after seeing Hobi and Yoongi in the living room. "Good morning Baby" Hobi greeted back. "Good morning Lavender" Yoongi greeted turning towards me. I went and sat next to Hobi on the couch facing the TV. Hobi pulled me closer letting me rest my head on his shoulder. "Felling better?" Hobi asked, I nodded. Seokjin came in the living room. "Come on, get up, food is ready" He said going back to the kitchen. I pouted but got up none the less I liked resting my head on Hobi it gave a nice feeling. 

We headed to school finally arriving. Ah school..... where most drama happens. Uff come on let's go. I got out last and looked around all the boys were looking at me smiling. Do I have something on me- no I don't. Are my cloths fine? 

"Your cloths are perfectly fine" Taehyung said looking at me smiling. I mentally sighed these guys are seriously too much. I walked towards the school the boys turned and started following me. I walked towards my locker opening it. Now this is just annoying. Why are their so many boys with a crush on me! "What?" I looked at Jungkook.... the mind reading ohhh. "Nothing" I said, slamming my locker shut. "Show me the letters" Taehyung said approaching me. I stepped infront of the locker facing Taehyung. "Taehyung it's not such a big deal, I'll just throw them away..." Damn I'll first read them I curious what they have to say- "No your not" Jimin said also approaching me. I stood their feeling like a deer in headlights. Why is it such a big deal for them? I looked at Taehyung in the eyes. He angry... Really angry... Is it because of the letters? Is he jealous...? "Of course we are Victoria!" Jungkook said holding the bridge of his nose. 

Oh. "Here.." I said as I moved away from the locker. I don't know why I did that because now I kind of regret it even tho I don't.... 

Taehyung opened my locker. Wait... I have pads and things in there! Ahhh. I suddenly stood between the locker and Taehyung. "Here Taehyung let me help you" I said smiling sweetly at him even tho right now I'm panicking. I turned towards the locked taking out all the letters dropping some. Ugh that doesn't matter! I put the pads at the back of the locker. I took out the books I needed, closing the locker. "Here you go" I said turning to Taehyung dropping it all in his hands. God that was close. "You do remember we can read your mind right?" I turned my head slowly to Jimin. And here I am caught again. Damn it! Jungkook giggled. Ugh I should have just let Taehyung do it! I stormed off to Namjoon and Hobi's direction. 

Why me god? Whyyyyy? Hobi put his arm around my shoulder and walked down the hall with me. Jimin and Taehyung caught up me leaving Jungkook with all Letters. Aish. I entered class sitting down. Taehyung came and sat down next me and Jungkook behind us.

"Yah you brat!" A familiar high pitched voice said grabbing my attention. I looked up to see Ava and her minions behind her standing infront of me. "You talking about yourself?" I asked looking back at my phone. 

"Do I look like a brat?" Ava asked, I looked back at her eyeing her head to toe.

"No, you look like a plastic barbie doll" I said earning gasps. I know I'm amazing don't need to gasp.  

"Yah who do you think your talking to?" She screeched. Ahh my poor ear drums.

"A plastic bitch?" I question as I looked at her in disgust. I seriously have no time for this, please you can royally piss off! 

"Yah mind your language you piece of trash" Ava replied. My fucking ear drums. I glared at her.

"I'm no mirror Ava" I simply said. Leaning my head back. Taehyung put his hand on the side of my head pulling it down making my rest my head on his shoulder. Ava stood there. "Get your hands off my man" she screamed. Bro stop I'm gonna go deaf! "Yours?" I question and then started laughing. Damn she's even more stupid then I thought. Jungkook laughed covering it up with a cough. Reading my thoughts Kook? 

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