“How’s about you go get changed and we spend the rest of the day together?” he asked, his warm breath hitting her skin.

“What about Quinton?” she asked, and clarified, “My coach.”

“I told him to go home,” Liam smiled, pressing a kiss to her forehead, “Now go get changed. I’ll be waiting.”

She smiled back at him, pressing a lingering kiss to his lips before hopping with one foot over to the locker room, where she took a quick shower and changed into a pair of dark jeans, a grey tank top, and a white, long sleeved blouse. After drying her hair with the hair drier the rest of her gymnastics team shared, she hopped over to the nearest bench and pulled on her socks, reaching for her white converse.

“Liam!” she called, after finding difficulty in putting on her left shoe.

“Yes, love?” he yelled back.

“I need some help in here!” she yelled, and he was there in a matter of seconds, a concerned look upon his face, “I can’t put on my shoe.”

“Hmm,” he said, knealing in front of her again, and taking the shoe from her hands. “Let’s see, Cinderella, does the shoe fit?”

“I hope so, my prince,” she joked.

He loosened the laces and slowly pulled it over her swollen ankle, through some wincing and such from Celine.

“Sorry, Celine,” he said, not liking to see her hurt, “I think you’ve broken something.”

“Again?” she groaned, face palming, “Whatever. I’ll go to the doctor’s tomorrow.”

“Why tomorrow?” 

“Because I’m spending the day with you, aren’t I?” she questioned, earning a smile from him.

“Very true, now off we go,” he said, turning his back to her and crouching, motioning for her to climb on.


“Where’re we going?” she said, after Liam had walked a few miles with her still on his back, “Aren’t I heavy for you?”

“Not one bit,” he replied, “You’re as light as a feather. Now patience, child, we’re almost there.”

“Alright, then.”

He walked a bit more, before reaching a forest-type area. 

“This would be stop one,” he said, putting her down carefully, making sure not to put her down on the wrong foot.

A horse carriage appeared, the kind that Celine had only seen in Times Square. Liam held the door open for her as she carefully sat inside, and he sat next to her, closing the door.

“I’ve always loved New York City,” he said, intertwining fingers with Celine’s, “It’s just the feel of a big city that makes me all hyped up and such.”

“My college campus is in the city,” Celine said, as she noticed a breaking in the forest, “My friends prefer campuses like UCLA or USC, but I wanted to go to NYU because, well, for one I live here, and - oh my goodness.”

Her eyes widened at the view, the horse carriage coming to a stop at this patio-type area. From there, there was a view of the New Jersey skyline just a small piece of ocean away.

Liam stepped out of the carriage and held out his arms for Celine to jump into. She jumped out of the carriage and into his arms, landing quite awkwardly, one of his arms linked under her left leg and the other wrapped around her waist. She struggled to grab a hold around his neck as they both laughed, and he spun around, stopping only to gaze at the skyline.

He shifted her in his arms, holding the back of her thighs so that they were face to face and at eye level.

“Beautiful, innit?” Celine said, as they stared at the skyline, their cheeks pressed together.

“Maybe,” Liam said, as she looked at him, “But not as beautiful as you.”

And as she smiled, blushing, he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers.

A/N: And there you have it! Liam and Celine!

The part about him catching her awkwardly is captured in the sidebar.

I thought that picture was adorable, okay.


Next Sunday, you lot get to choose who you want as an epilogue next!

Louis and Jenny

Harry and Kate

Zayn and Penny!

Voting closes next Sunday afternoon!

Thank you for reading! xx

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