Author's Note

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Dean Allen has been a part of my life for ten years now. I started writing him when I entered nursing school as a means of coping with the stress of school and various unhealthy relationship dynamics. Needless to say, he means a great deal to me and I can't imagine life without writing him. And I'm so glad I finally got courageous enough to share his adventures with you all. I wanted to share some fun tidbits with you about him.

-I first began writing Avengers fan fiction with a classmate and friend.

-Dean was originally a twin. His sister's name was Gianna and she was Captain America's live interest. Gianna was my then friend's character.

-Dean and Gianna were originally mutants and X-Men.

-At one point they were demigods. Their mother was a mortal and their father was Zeus.

-Dean was in a live triangle with Thor and Bucky.

-Before that, he dated Colossus.

-Thor and Colossus fought each other in a macho display of strength that ended with Thor kicking Colossus's butt and trapping him on the ground with Mjolnir before Dean scolded both of them and left.

-Dean had multiple powers before I decided on photokinesis and empathy. He first had telekinesis, then gyrokinesis. Gyrokinesis was my plan until I watched Mothra on the Godzilla movie and was so taken with how beautiful her light effects were that I had to do photokinesis.

-There was a plot where Loki made Thor believe that Dean was killed by a Frost Giant and Thor sought revenge. He hallucinates that Dean is the Frost Giant and breaks his arm before the other Avengers intervene. Thor, as you can imagine, was absolutely devastated for having caused such an injury to Dean.

-When my friendship with my collaborator dissolved I scrapped everything and started fresh.

-Sometimes I miss collaborating and would love to do it again someday.

I'm sure there are so many more details I've forgotten, but these are some of the ones I recall the most. Dean has definitely been a lengthy work in progress.

Anyway, love you guys and appreciate your reading and your feedback. I love it. Nothing propels me more than engagement with you guys.

Avengers: A Darker Shade of Scarletحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن