Stiff as a Board (NSFW)

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Thor woke up and his hand hit one of the restraints. He chuckled as he recalled the fun he and Dean had the night before. The restraints would definitely make repeat appearances in their bedroom. Reaching down, he rested a hand on his morning wood and wondered where Dean might be. He got out of bed and grabbed his lounge pants, rolling his eyes as he pulled them up. Being naked in his home was a pleasure he wouldn't be enjoying for some time, though he compromised by choosing thinner material.

When he went into the hall, the scent of bacon frying and coffee brewing greeted him and he smiled. Dean always made breakfast a grand affair after he'd been fucked well. When he reached the ground floor and went into their kitchen, he was met with the sight of both boys sitting in their high chairs while Dean cooked and danced around the kitchen to Beyoncé.

Thor rested against the doorway and felt his heart grow full as he watched the boys laughed and shook their fists while Dean entertained them. Both boys looked so joyous it made Thor forget about what he and Dean had been through. They were all together, and that, along with their talk and makeup sex, was enough to soothe the situation.

"This is far better than Red Lobster, Fair One," Thor chuckled as he surprised Dean with an embrace from behind.

"I woke up very hungry," Dean said. "I wonder why?"

Thor buried his face in Dean's neck, inhaling his scent and kissing his neck. "Perhaps because you need to regain your strength after what I did to you last night? Though I imagined you would be full enough."

Dean rolled his eyes. "Not in front of the babies, Daddy."

"You cannot call me that and expect me to be silent," Thor growled, slipping his fingers beneath the waistband of Dean's shorts.

"The bacon's going to burn," Dean warned before flipping it out of the pan.

Thor took in the spread- sausage, bacon, homemade biscuits, sausage gravy, home fries and warm cereal for the boys- and smiled appreciatively. He kissed Dean's cheek, then went to the coffee machine and poured both of them a cup, fixing Dean's up the way he liked it.

"I talked to Kyle for a little while last night," Dean said as he sat down at the table and pulled Magni's chair closer to him.

"Ah, when you disobeyed me and removed yourself from the restraints," Thor said as he pulled Modi close to him.

"Hey, if I hadn't disobeyed you we may not have discovered that new position."

Thor's eyes glazed over with lustful remembrance and he shrugged. "New to you, perhaps."

"Anyway, Kyle said Steve was still upset with him." He paused to make sure Magni's cereal wasn't too hot, then began to feed him. "He said Steve was brooding. I told him to seduce him."

"Being a bad influence, I see?"

"You like it when I seduce you," Dean said with a shrug. "Anyway, I was thinking maybe now that things have temporarily settled down we could do something fun."

"Such as?"

"Well, we haven't really gone out since I got pregnant. Maybe a night out could be fun. A little double date with Kyle and Steve."

Thor fed Modi a bite and grinned at Dean. "It almost strikes fear in my heart to think of the trouble you and Kyle could get into if you're both permitted to drink."

"I guess you'll find out soon," Dean teased.

After finishing breakfast, Thor insisted on cleaning up the kitchen while Dean and the boys went into the den for tummy time- something Modi and Magni dreaded equally.

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