Blessed Be (NSFW)

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After the boys were fed, changed and put to bed, Dean saw to Biscuit, who was angrily reminding him that he'd missed dinner. When he came to the bedroom, Thor was sitting at the foot of the bed wearing a contemplative look.

"I can sleep in a different room," Dean offered, his voice small.

Thor frowned and stood up. He moved to where Dean stood in the door way. "If you are sleeping in a different room, then I am sleeping there as well," he promised.

Dean looked up at him and then cast his eyes down in a way that made Thor's heart ache. "I know you're angry. I thought you might want some space."

Thor slowly traced his jaw with a finger. "I am angry, lover," he proclaimed. "But space is not what I need. I need you. I will not allow either of us to go to sleep angry. You and I will work through our anger, together. Then we will sleep, together."

Dean was quiet, his eyes on Thor's chest as he was troubled by his thoughts. "I should have waited for you. I shouldn't have gone off without telling you. A marriage is a partnership and I messed that up."

"Yes," Thor said, his fingers gliding up and down Dean's arms. "You cannot imagine how afraid I was when we went to Kamar-Taj and found it burned to the ground. I thought I had lost you again."

Dean's guilt clawed it's way through his core as he recollected the horrors Thor had faced after Dean had been lost to him. He kept his eyes on Thor's chest, unable to meet his eyes.

"Look at me," Thor said.

Dean met his gaze and saw all of the love and fear there. "I'm so sorry."

"And there are the boys to consider as well. I know that you and I are Avengers. But we cannot just rush into danger without hesitation anymore. We must think of Modi and Magni. I believe that is what angered me the most about your actions. Our sons need us."

Dean's eyes flooded with tears. "I'm a bad dad," he whispered.

Thor shook his head emphatically and tightened his grip on Dean's shoulders. "No, Fair One."

"Yes I am," Dean sobbed, giving in to his feelings.

"That could not be further from the truth," Thor gently said while he held Dean close and rubbed his back. "When I watch you with our sons I see so much love and devotion. You are an excellent dad. The perfect husband. And a good friend and loyal friend. We are all very lucky to have you."

"You're not just saying that to make me feel better?" Dean sniffled.

Thor smiled and cupped Dean's face in his hands. "I say these things because they are true." He caught Dean's tears and wiped them away.

"I love you," Dean sighed as he let himself fall into Thor's arms completely.

"And I love you," Thor said, sealing it with a kiss. He stared down into Dean's face. "You told me that what you were doing for Wanda was similar to the way I handled things with Loki. And you were right, Fair One."

"I wasn't trying to be right. I just wanted you to see where I was coming from."

"And I failed you because I did not want to listen," Thor confessed. "And for that, I am sorry."

"I guess we both learned a lot from this," Dean said. He rested his head on Thor's chest and exhaled.

"Yes, we did."

"Mostly me," Dean laughed.

"You teach me everyday," Thor said.

"It feels so good to come home. Seeing the boys." Dean chuckled tiredly "In the other universe, they were grown men."

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