Twist the Bones and Bend the Back (NSFW)

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A/N: I listened to Wild Thing by Tone-Loc and Pony by Ginuwine on repeat while writing this chapter and it shows.

"I have an amazing idea," Dean suddenly said as he jumped up from the couch and hurried to his bag in the guest room.

Thor and Steve shared a quizzical look and Kyle immediately began to vigorously nod his head when Dean returned with a game box.

"Twister?" Steve said. "What's that game?"

"Oh, you're about to find out," Kyle laughed as he got up and helped Dean spread the plastic mat out.

"Here," Dean said as he handed the spinner to Thor and then returned to stand near the mat with Kyle. "So the rules are simple- someone spins the spinner and the players have to do whatever it lands on. For example," Dean said as he reached over and flicked the spinner. "Left foot blue."

Thor and Steve watched as Dean and Kyle complied and a knowing grin spread across their faces.

"You could get into some pretty interesting positions," Steve said.

"That's the idea," Kyle drawled.

Thor and Steve immediately became invested. Sitting side by side with a beer in hand, they took turns spinning. With each move, Dean and Kyle became more twisted and entwined with one another as they displayed their flexibility. The game grew more challenging with each spin, and Thor and Steve watched with amusement as they attempted to maintain their balance while carrying out the increasingly challenging moves.

"This is a position I never saw myself in," Dean joked as hovered above Kyle as he bent over beneath him. His crotch was pressed against Kyle's ass and both of them started to laugh.

"Okay, keep it together because if you fall I'm going to fall too!" Kyle playfully ordered.

"That's why we get along so well- we're both bossy bottoms," Dean laughed.

"You said that, Fair One."

"Left hand green," Steve called out.

"Oh, fuck," Dean grumbled.

Kyle shifted his weight and lost his balance, bringing Dean down with him.

"And that," Kyle groaned. "Is how you play Twister."

The four of them formed teams- Dean and Kyle versus Thor and Steve. With Kyle using his telekinesis to activate the spinner, the four of them promptly began the game.

"I'm glad you brought Ultimate Twister," Kyle said as he bent over to touch his right hand to yellow. "These two are so big."

"You would need an entire mat for our cocks alone," Thor chuckled.

Dean and Kyle looked at each other and shook their heads.

"I can't with you," Dean groaned.

"Yes, you can," Thor purred as he shifted his right hand to red and pressed against Dean's ass. "You do it with me all the time."

"You're not going to break my focus," Dean recited as if it were a mantra.

Steve, who had adopted the same tactic, had strategically placed himself so that he was in a push-up position between Kyle's legs.

"Okay, but there's a whole mat for you guys and you choose to crowd us!" Kyle playfully complained. "Left foot blue!"

Dean repositioned himself, resting his knee against Thor's dick as it dangled loosely in his thin pants. Then, he began to rub against it.

"Mmm...Fair One, don't," Thor warned.

"You did."

"I did not rub...mmm...against you like this."

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