Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered

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The second Dean and the others entered the lab, they spotted Christine attempting to free America from her cell.

"It's sealed shut," Christine called over her shoulder as she spotted the approaching heroes.

"Stand back," Thor commanded. He threw the hammer at the polycarbonate box, shattering it with ease.

"Whoa," America said, admiring the hammer as he floated back to Thor. "What is that?"

"There's no time for questions," Strange said. "We need to get you away from here right now."

"Can she use her powers?" Aegis asked.

America shook her head, embarrassed. "It's like I've been saying- I can't control them."

Dean felt her shame rolling off of her and, though time was of the essence, he knew that the only way America would ever gain control was through the patience and support of others. Laying a hand on her shoulder, he smiled encouragingly. "It's alright. I know you'll figure it out."

"Eventually," America scoffed.

The entire building trembled as something exploded in the distance.

"The others are engaging Wanda," T'Chaka delivered in a solemn voice.

"Come on," Steve ordered. "We can't let their fight be in vain."

"Where are we going if America can't make a portal?" Kyle asked.

"Our Strange built a waypoint to the Book of Vishanti," Steve explained. "We can take you to it."

Leading the way, Steve took them through a corridor that would take them to the underground tunnels that ran deep beneath the building.

"Are we sure we should be trusting them?" Christine asked. "Especially Stephen?"

Without slowing his stride, Strange looked over at her and smiled sincerely. "Listen, I know what happened. I'm sorry for what your Strange did. But believe me, the Book of Vishanti is the only way we're saving anyone."

"Yeah. We do things your way once again. You sound a lot like my Stephen right now. He had to be the one holding the knife, and then that knife kept controlling people."

"We do not have time for this lovers' quarrel," Thor pointed out. "There is too much at stake."

Christine's cheeks flushed. "This isn't a lovers' quarrel," she uttered in an embarrassed and defensive voice.

"Regardless," Thor carried on. "If both my Dean and the other universe's Dean believe Strange to be worthy of our trust, I will not question it. And you should not either, Doctor Palmer."

Both Deans smiled at each other.

"Don't make me regret this," Christine muttered.

More explosions rocked the building and suddenly a transmission came in. "This is Susan Richards. If anyone else is still alive and can hear me...Wanda killed...she killed Reed, Mordo, Blackagar, Maria and Peggy. Medusa and I were spared but she's moving to the labs. If you're in that area, you have to get out! She's powerful. Dangerous. And I don't think she can be stopped."

Dean could feel the amalgamation of sorrow, anger, and disbelief from the others and admired the way they forged ahead despite the tragic blow.

Dropping into the tunnels, the group followed Steve and Thor as they led the way. Another crash echoed, this one much closer. Then the sound of heavy, wet footsteps echoed as a frightening creature stalked out of the shadows, it's massive, egg-shaped body perched on two legs. It had no eyes, but the mouth that served as its only facial feature smiled eerily at the group before opening up and sending a long tongue in their direction.

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