Relax, It's Only Magic

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Wanda stormed through the corridors, the blood of Xavier now on her ledger along with so many others. The thought made her remember Natasha and for some reason this made her pause.

Natasha sacrificed her life to clear her ledger, she thought. But then her expression hardened. But haven't I sacrificed too?

Thor and his sons were in the distance fighting against the serpents she had conjured. She watched from her place in the shadows and gave serious thought to stepping in. But there was no time for that. Not when America was so close to her. The doorway was open, and Wanda could sense the girl just beyond it.

"Wanda Maximoff," the familiar voice of Tony Stark spoke up when she crossed the threshold. Familiar, she reflected, but less grandiose. Tony stood in the corridor, his armored form lending a strength that his voice lacked. Panther stood at his side, his black and purple suit equal parts majestic and imposing.

"Even now, after everything you've seen, you would stand in my way?" Wanda asked.

"I know you are familiar with what it means to be a hero, Wanda," T'Chaka appealed to her. "You know that life is scared and must be protected."

"If life is so sacred to you then why do you keep throwing yourselves at my feet? I've already turned wives into widows and children into orphans. Do you wish to add your own wives and children to that suffering? All for a child you don't know?"

"I love my son," T'Chaka said in a passionate voice. "T'Challa is my whole world."

"Then we have an understanding," Wanda said, her jaw set.

T'Chaka shook his head sadly. "Wanda, all children must be seen this way. Even those not our own."

"Get out of my way," Wanda calmly replied. She lifted a hand, an orb of power expanding threateningly in her palm.

"Now!" Steve shouted.

An intense explosion of light immediately tore through Wanda's vision. Letting out a frustrated snarl, she flung her arms only to find her body suddenly being thrown into the nearby wall as Steve charged and bashed her with his shield. She struck the wall and the bricks tore apart and began to cover her completely, trapping her beneath them.

Aegis and Kyle moved forward as the light that both Deans were emitting slowly faded and Steve backed away. They kept their focus on Wanda, forcing the wall of the corridor to seal her up.

"That won't hold her for long," Steve said, turning to Strange.

"The four of you should go," Dean said to them. "Kyle, Strange and I will take it from here. She'll follow us and leave your universe in peace."

"You're sure?" Other Dean asked.

"Absolutely. You guys have suffered enough losses," Dean replied. "Now go."

"Get home and hold the boys," Other Dean said with a smile. "They're wonderful, aren't they?"

Dean smiled and nodded as he held back tears. "They are."

The Illuminati members reluctantly pulled back and Kyle and Dean raced to the gateway Strange, Christine and America had just passed through. Behind them, Wanda's temporary prison exploded and they knew their reprieve had ended. They jumped through the gateway and fell into the gap junction.

Being a space between universes, the gap junction was a like something out of a dreamscape. Billowing clouds of purple flecked in gold swirled slowly around, pieces of debris hovering among them. Had Wanda not been pursuing them, Dean might have enjoyed exploring his surroundings more.

"There!" Kyle shouted, pointing at a large, circular platform where the others stood.

Dean spied an ornate pedestal they were standing around. And placed on top- a glowing tome. Dean and Kyle flew closer and landed with the others as Strange reached for the book and pulled it free of its casing. Seeing the Book of Vishanti, Dean couldn't help but compare it to the Darkhold. Unlike the Darkhold's vile and poisonous aura, this book resonated one of peace and calm.

"She's on her way," Kyle warned. "We did our best to slow her down but she's already broken free."

Strange stared at the book, beckoning it to give him answers, and Dean watched the entry point, his senses on high alert for the inevitable appearance of Wanda.

A piercing scream burst from America and Dean spun around as the girl was violently ripped across the gap junction by her hair. She landed right in front of Wanda, who materialized and grabbed a fistful of her hair. She smiled diabolically at the others and Dean decided he didn't recognize her at all anymore.

Strange lifted the book, firing a stream of magic at Wanda. The witch maintained her grasp on America's hair and raised her free hand to intercept the attack. Her own power ripped through it, shredding it with such ease. The Book of Vishanti was stricken by her blast and thrown from Strange's grip. It fell open to the floor with a thud, it's pages quickly reduced to ash.

Dean's heart dropped at the sight. Turning to Wanda, he watched as she began to exert mental control over the girl.

"Oh, fuck..." Kyle groaned.

America's eyes went white and the air behind them changed as a great star portal exploded.

"She's going to throw trap us in another universe!" Kyle cried out.

Wanda nodded slowly, her expression gleeful. She flicked her fingers and Strange and Christine were sent hurtling through the star. Then she levitated Dean and Kyle and the star portal opened up once more.

"Killing you wouldn't punish you nearly as much as never seeing Thor and your sons again," Wanda snarled. "I'll send you to a world without either!"

Dean felt something deep within him rising up in protest at the idea of a world without Thor, Magni and Modi. Kyle looked over and stared at his friend as a vibrant light expanded from his body. A formless column of power rose up off of Dean and a loud humming blotted out all sound.

Wanda's eyes widened, then narrowed into angry slits. Beside her, the Darkhold materialized and shook with rage.

"Bring him to me..." a twisted and dark voice whispered to Wanda.

Tendrils of dark magic snakes out from the book, slowly moving toward Dean.

"Dean!" Kyle screamed.

Dean turned to his friend, his eyes blazing white. He reached for his hand and took hold. "Do not be afraid," Dean spoke in a voice that sounded like multiple Deans speaking at once.

Kyle's eyes widened and suddenly everything around them went white.

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