The Cabin | 4 [C]

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"Kachaan, there's something I need to tell you," Izuku says to Bakugou, making the blond raise his vision to meet the boy's eyes; his mouth chews as he shrugs his arms. "I feel weird,"

Bakugou raises a brow at Izuku's weird comment before swallowing his food and opening his mouth to speak. "What kind of weird?" he says as he lays his chopstick beside his plate and places both elbows on the table, his intertwined fingers against his lips.

"Like an unsettling weirdness," Izuku says quite quickly. He looks at Bakugou and notices how concentrated he is on the boy's problem. "Almost like, I'm nervous about something someone did for me but not because I like them in that way, but because no one has done anything like that for know?" he lays out an indirect hint to see if Bakugou catches on.

"Mmm, sounds to me like you like them, and that gesture opened the door to your hidden, deep-secret feelings," Bakugou says with a straight face. He sighs before grabbing his chopsticks and digging into his food to grab a bite.

"But what if I never saw that person in that way before? Only as a friend, and a dear friend only," Izuku says worriedly.

"Maybe your dumbass sensed a mutual feeling in your friendship. But, because you never stopped to recognize those feelings for that certain person, you feel weird," Bakugou says quite quickly. "And now, you've realized it. Big fucking deal," he says after swallowing his drink.

Izuku sits there in silence, processing the information his friend gave him. He also tries to remember his memories with Bakugou to figure out if any of those moments together meant anything. Izuku needs to know if this is the first time he's felt this way about Bakugou or if this is one of the many times he felt this way...but he never stopped himself from understanding it.

"Kachaan, I have a favor to ask," Izuku says as he lowers his head and stares at his meal. Bakugou hums to let the boy opposite him know he's listening. "Can you close your eyes for a moment?"

Izuku raises his head and looks at Bakugou's facial expression. He saw confusion and curiosity resonate in Bakugou's stare. "I guess? If you try and pull something, I'm going to murder you and feed you to the horses," The blond warns, causing Izuku's body to tense. 

"A-alright, but promise me you won't be mad?"

"No can do, buckaroo," Bakugou replies with a chuckle. "Test your luck~," he says, extending his vowels. Bakugou blows berries and closes his eyes, resting his arms on the table. 

Izuku pushes away from the table and, shaking, gets up from his seat with fear. Izuku approaches the blond, grabs his face, and makes him look up at him without opening his eyes. 

Bakugou's eyelids tighten as he feels a warm breath bush his lips. His face starts to turn red with anticipation of feeling Izuku's lips, while the boy opposite is double guessing his decisions. Am I doing this? Will I kiss him to see if my feelings for him are real? Have I always been this delusional when it comes to my senses? Izuku gulps as he stares. 

Without another thought, Izuku gently presses his lips on Bakugou's and stays in that position for a few more seconds before pulling away. But as he's pulling away, Bakugou's arms shift, and his hands are placed on both sides of his hips as he pulls the greenhead in for another kiss; Bakugou kisses his with hunger as Izuku's eyes widen from the impulse. I can't believe this is happening...

Izuku slides his hands to the back of Bakugou's neck and creeps one of his legs on the other side of the chair, sitting on the blonde. Bakugou's hands travel all around Izuku's back and neck as the kiss deepens, letting each other's tongue slip ever so lightly into each other's mouths. 

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